Arushi Patkey
@arushipatkey · 1:30

Happy to be back ! How have you been ?

It has been a journey and I want to hear more from you, all the new people who have joined and how are you guys doing? It's been really a long time. 2022 started quite with the Omega wave and getting COVID, like the entire family infected with COVID. But then I did one good thing in this. So I made like a to do list of things that I wanted to achieve this month

#happytimes #2022

Arvindra verma
@Arvindraverma · 0:05
Hello looking gracious

#sayitonswell Sending you some positive vibes💜

Hello Arushi. I'm actually so surprised to hear you so energetic after, you know, going through Covet and I pray that you recover completely very soon. And thank you for asking looking how we are doing and to say I am recovering from my fever. Just today I was having a very bad day quite some time and it's so nice to hear somebody to ask how we are doing. You know, that makes me feel so good actually. So thank you
Theertha Panachoor
@theertha · 0:23
Hey Arushi, this is Tita. First of all love your energy so much and I'm so glad you recovered from COVID. It's been spreading like a wildfire here in India so I hope everything's fine at home. Hum. And yeah I'm glad you're back and I can't wait to listen to more of your posts with all this energy because I love it
Ishan Bhardwaj
@bhardwaj2310 · 0:12
Hi I would just like to say that I'm new on Swell and I have been trying to do some podcast as well but oh my God looking at listening to you we were really confident and it gave me some type of boost of I guess so. Thanks a lot
Vasu Jain
@VasuJain · 0:25

Waiting for the next one

Hi Arushi, it's really great to hear that you have recovered from COVID and I was just curious like would you like to share some of the things that you have done? Like you said, you have done a complete 80% or 60% percent of your bucket list. Would you mind sharing what you have done and what you would like to do more? Like what is that 40% of that 20% that you still have to do? I would love to hear that
Arushi Patkey
@arushipatkey · 0:38


I hope you're doing amazing. Anne, it's been six days since you've replied. I'm so sorry for being taking some time to respond. I hope you're doing super well and I love listening to you as well. Also, following read you back as well. And I hope I keep in touch with you. And yeah, it's so beautiful to connect with a stranger, but feel like you're connecting with someone you know since yours. I love listening to you
