Arushi Patkey
@arushipatkey · 2:23

Biggest festival of Lights or call it biggest reason for pollution #rant

Hello. Good morning. Today is Devali. Happy, Devali. I'm very happy the Valley to all of you who are listening to this. Welcome. If you are based in India or an Indian, of course, you know what Devalue is. But if you're not in India, not based in India. Dwali is one of the biggest festivals that are celebrated here in India. And it's celebrated to return the Lord of Rama to Ayodhya after spending 14 years in the forest

#diwali2021, #festivaloflights, #Diwali, #festival, #Indianfestival, #festivaloflight

amrita patkey
@nishap · 0:24

Diwali is festival of lights

Festival of Light is really a festival of light is supposed to be celebrated with fun, friends, relatives, with seats, decoration, but without crackers. Dharti makipo Geico
@Shaz · 1:53

One step at a time!

Hey Arushi, you always make such interesting posts and I completely get where you're coming from. Well, I don't tie too much of it because I feel like it's to each their own. A lot of the time media makes it seem like it's a black and white problem. Crackers are back ad being pollution free during the Valley is good and white, but the problem is a lot more complicated
