Arish Ali
@arishΒ Β·Β 0:36

Will you pay Twitter $8/month for verification badge?

It has been fascinating to watch Elon Musk's Twitter saga unfold this past year. Now, with the acquisition complete, it has been even more interesting to see him dive right into making the changes he had promised to fix Twitter. While so many of those can be discussed and debated, and they have been on other cell conversations, I wanted to focus this well, specifically on the $8 monthly fee he's going to be charging for verification. My question to you is will you pay for it?

#twitter #subscription #elonmusk

phil spade
@PhilΒ Β·Β 1:42


I will not be paying the $8 or any amount for that matter. And there's a couple of reasons why. The first is that I do have a Twitter account. It does not have a Blue check on it currently, and I don't really see the reason why I would need a blue check


Here's. A funny thing to me is that first, okay, fine, I don't see a need for it. Maybe at some point there might arise a reason to have it. But as soon as you make that check mark something that can be perpet purchased, it loses all significance and meaning. Because then anybody, it doesn't matter who they are, troll or not can attempt to jump through the hoops and get that blue check meaningless
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalkΒ Β·Β 4:56

The VQ : vanity quotient

That's no such thing and that's how I maintain all my social media accounts, like have more meaningful engagements rather than have a volume of contacts which you don't know anything about and that doesn't float my boat. So those were my two or three things about this
Taylor J
@TaylorΒ Β·Β 2:22


I really agree with what Seeking Plum said, and I worry about what might happen if people can purchase something that at one point was given out by a team. There were a system. There was a system in place and the person had to receive approval and it was verified that that person was who they said they were. For celebrities, they have teams and stuff that usually run their accounts, but it's still their official account
Ruby Griffith Ramirez
@RubyΒ Β·Β 1:29

People pay $2.99 for Twitter Blue.

Would Twitter stop showing ads? I know MiWi probably doesn't have the same popularity or amount of users, so really, I don't know if it's a good comparison. But, you know, if Twitter was to stop showing ads, then I don't know. I don't know if that would be something people would be willing to pay extra for. I know I read about people complaining
Arish Ali
@arishΒ Β·Β 3:23

The economics does not make sense - Twitter has $5billion in ad revenue, this will add $30mil to it…

And as I think the other speaker said, why not just work on making that revenue stream, a better revenue stream and other things that can be done. So I think that's to me, the economics, the scale of it doesn't make sense
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 2:11
So maybe this will help with that to some extent. I know they have Twitter blue, so they already have dollar incentives. And I could see that being the future of social media, they want to make as much profit as possible. And advertisers these days, when you got the likes of these celebrities, they kind of put it in question, the future of these ads and all that sort of stuff. But then again, Netflix is going to go to ads anyway
PAGE talks
@pageΒ Β·Β 1:14

#twitter #elon #musk #elonmusk

In my opinion, if we are purchasing the blue check, right? And if that Twitter team does a proper background verification, and if they are the two profiles, then I think this can turn into a very good business opportunity and that can add I generate leads, right? So, in that case, I don't mind paying for it because we know that over is on Twitter is a true profile rather than a fake profile, right?
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkRΒ Β·Β 2:52
I guess if you're a huge following or, I don't know, you're a celebrity or you're famous somehow, then you kind of need to verify it, because then people want to know it's really you saying what you're saying. But rather than the Blue Tick, if he wants to charge for something, I was thinking, why did he choose that? Why doesn't he come up with a bunch of features that people might want to pay for? Extra features?
@DDSRYΒ Β·Β 0:06

Twitter verification badge on SwellCast Swell

What about verification page on swell app when it will come
Arish Ali
@arishΒ Β·Β 0:11


Hi. That's a good question. Verification badges on. Smell is part of our roadmap. You should probably see it sometime next year. Hopefully

So I've put this link here for anyone who's interested on how to get the blue tick on Twitter. And now, apparently, it means multiple things. Either the previous way that blue ticks were given out, or now, if you pay for Twitter blue, you automatically get it. Checkbox tick box. Anyway, more details at this link
