Arish Ali
@arish · 3:17

What’s the most interesting idea in Project Hail Mary, the new book by Andy Weir

So I will tell you what I found which was fascinating and then please feel free to chime in if you read the book with what are your favorite part of it. So one of the things in the book is that the protagonist kind of comes across an Ali civilization and the alien that he meets, are they also interstellar kind of space traveling, space faring species. Right. But what is interesting is that they are going to have to be space travel without really having built the equivalent of computing devices

#BookReviewWeek #TheCuriousMind SPOILER WARNING!! #scifi #space


I don't know how to describe what I'm trying to convey, but it was a reintegration of existence in my mind. The science, the tech, the logic, the philosophy, the psychology, the sociology, the humans, right? All of these things that are often kept in a separate silos were woven together in these tales, the Hail Mary and Recursion. And to me, that makes a superb book
Vikas Gupta
@vikasgupta · 2:09
It's been a while since I read the book, but I recall one aspect which was very interesting when I read it, was that we had these two different beings from two different civilizations, from different parts of the universe who meet. And there's a question that comes up that I think one of them asks the other why is it that both species have evolved to a certain point and neither one of them was that much more advanced than the other?
