Arish Ali
@arish · 2:04

The Social Dilemma - has anything changed?

So my question today to all of you is has anything changed when it comes to your own social media usage in the past two years? If you have seen the documentary did that you to make any changes in your relationship to social media? And even if you have not seen the documentary based on your own usage or understanding or awareness of these platforms, has anything led you to make changes in how often, how much you use these platforms and how active you are on them? So please do share

#documentary #netflix #socialmedia

Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00

An epic voice and expert on all things internet Jaron Lanier

We are definitely seeing some social media fatigue I think in terms of people who are just using platforms less. I don't think I even have used Facebook in two years. Probably I have an account, it's there, it's mostly vacant. Every now and again I'll check it because my friends use Facebook for example. But for example, on Instagram recently I had a terrible experience of a more personal conversation with somebody and the ad started targeting me for all of this stuff around dating
Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:55
So if a particular narrative is more popular, catches more eyeballs, it's in the interest of the social media companies to foster, catalyze and grow that narrative. So, independent or irrespective of the country that we are talking about, social media has become very powerful. And I get a lot of my information from social media, especially Twitter, but I'm very careful to dissect it and try and find out the facts for myself


This is now eight years ago now. Twitter I rarely use because it's a different environment in itself and I don't want any part of the toxic back and forth. I want quality conversations. And so I may share a link, the random thought I spend more time in social audio here, Clubhouse and then Instagram
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:33


Not just the fact that it's hard for lay users to be able to kind of understand, grasp and use it, but the people driving and the company's funding even there are looking for profit, right? And whoever figures out to kind of monetize and advertise their same issues will happen there as well. It doesn't really fundamentally change human nature and how kind of data and content, how people monetize people's attention span. There will be different brokers of your personal information
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:05


And it leaves an impression, it leaves some imprint on them, especially if it's a meme like kind of content. It is more easy to remember as well. And I don't know how many people actually spend the time and effort to kind of look at everything and try to analyze everything with a more critical lens
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:44

@SeekingPlumb its a trade off between our laziness and privacy

At one level, I feel just the concept of having a feed that is personalizing content for you as long as you do that, where the platform has to guess, the algorithm has to figure out and give you the next best thing that I think in itself is fundamentally kind of problematic. And the moment you don't do that, you have to do the work to kind of go and find the content you want to consume and then that human laziness kind of kicks in, right?


I'm not happy about it, and I do tend to pretend that I have more control than I do. I'll use a search engine and a browser that will block any tracking that don't have customized search results. I will never have a series sort of not a series Alexa device in my home. I have all of those other options turned off on my devices of siri and bixby and so on
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:52

@arish 3 changes: 1. Putting screentime lock 2. Making it inconvenient to use the app 3. Chill out with the posting

And whether it is a largely positive or a largely negative thing, balance is key. And when you find that shifting, right, whether the dopamine is happening or the reverse is happening, I think that's not good. These are the three changes that the documentary helped me make. And anytime I find something impacting me or affecting me too much, I make it inconvenient to use the thing, right? So I don't have instagram or anything. I use Instagram on Web
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:24

@arish : digital detox

Yes, I've seen this documentary when it was released and couple of times ever since it was released and it kind of reinforced what I was anyways observing in the increase of social media usage across the length and breadth of society
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:26

@Binati_Sheth "Make it inconvenient" :)

I really like your point about making things inconvenient for yourself. The way you call out how you're using Instagram by not using its app, but only on the Web, and because the interface is so clunky, you just don't use it that often. I think that's a really good tip, practical tip that many of us can use when we find ourselves getting sucked into a particular app or tool or service too much. Thank you
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:56


Hi. Thanks for joining in and really enjoy your perspective on this and completely agree with you about having a digital detox day in the month or sometime. We do something like this with our children on Saturdays, try to keep it as digital free as possible, so end up playing a lot of board games and other activities that you end up not doing if you are glued to the screen all the time
