Arish Ali
@arish · 2:40

T.Rex was smarter than modern primates? I have my doubts…

So just estimated how many neurons they would be. And based on that, came up with this conclusion that based on the number of neurons, dinosaur would be smarter than a primate in today's world, modern day primates like Baboons. And that is simply account of neurons, how those neurons are wired together. And does that actually mean the number of neurons actually means more kind of smarter connection? Where the brains that evolved in terms of processing and being intelligent that nobody can answer

#TheCuriousMind #dinosaurs

J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 2:16
So in this case, let's say the trex brain is not smarter than, you know, a bird brain, like a crows brain today. And actually, I would probably think that's true, but let's just say, for the sake of the argument, we can sit there and say that the trex's brain is bigger, so we should assume that there's more neurons, there's more electrical charge
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 0:53
So basically what I'm trying to ask, do you think if a T rex at that time were to somehow have to deal with the advances that some animals today have to deal with, do you believe that Trex's brain would actually be way more intelligent than possibly thought before?


Like, there's these ideas that they're learning about bees and how small are they and how many fewer neurons do they have compared to the human brain, and do some other animals with larger brains have these sort of same capabilities of understanding? I don't know. I don't know, again, much of anything about these things, but it seems like we don't have enough data, nearly enough data to be able to say but it's an interesting thought, very interesting
Arish Ali
@arish · 2:02


And any mutations that result in traits in that creature which helps it survive more gets propagated because then they have more they give birth to more creatures with that same kind of genome in them. And that's how that mutation survives and becomes dominant or at least continues on. Right. That's ali there is to evolution. Right
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:32

@SeekingPlumb Octopus are remarkably intelligent

Hi, Christina, thank you for sharing that link. And I did not know that about bees. On the topic of like intelligence and consciousness to some extent in other animals, that's a really fascinating topic. And one thing I've been doing some reading around that and I'll post separately on that as well. But one thing that I did come across, which I was surprised by, was how intelligent and how conscious, in someone ways, octopuses are
