Jennifer Ann
@ApocalypsePuppy · 5:00

#Perspective | Are we living in a simulation, or are we real...?

They're gone from this world. They've passed. But I like to believe that in another world, we're together, and they didn't get sick and pass. And so we got to live out the rest of our lives together somewhere else in some other world. So getting back to are we living in a simulation? I feel like that's kind of related to this in a way, because I know that when people think about are we living in a simulation?

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp21 @arish

Arish Ali
@arish · 1:06


Hi Jennifer, welcome to Swell. I really enjoyed listening to what you had to say here. First of all, just to point out you mentioned you wish you had more time. The five minute limit is per swell, but you can add on more by simply replying to your own post. So if you want to add more, just go ahead and hit reply. Ann, you can speak for another five minutes and add that to the same thread, so I hope that helps
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 2:38


You can see the patterns, and we keep making the same mistakes, like, we're barreling towards climate disaster after climate disaster and will not do anything to change that, even though we have the cognitive abilities to recognize the changes but won't. So something tells me that there is some kind of outside force that just wants to play this out. It's not up to us. So that's one of those things where I think about maybe the simulation is real
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 2:57
So I kind of think even if it's an illusion, even if it's a simulation, you kind of just have to still live. And as far as, when it comes to the multiverse, Ann, many worlds, I think even from just a poor conceptual point of view, I think it can be very liberating. You mentioned your loss, and I offer my condolences to you, because I think we can find solace sometimes in what if this had went this way?
Nick G
@NickGweezy · 2:54
Love the question, love the perspective, and nice to meet you. My name is Nick Gueze. I am part of the effective acceleration technological movement. And this is one of the best questions one of us could possibly get, because the answer is kind of in flux. So the working theory of us living in a simulation would dictate that the world already ended and that there is essentially an endless source of energy
