Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 4:55


Courage. For me, courage is a mix of fear and anxiety induced by adrenaline in facing the unknown. Courage comes in so many different sizes and shapes for everyone, and it is what we need to grow as human beings. It is the way we grow. Kindness and compassion. Courage is the little girl who steps onto a stage for the very first time to play a piano solo in front of hundreds of people

#sdp24Feb29 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Adrienne Blevins
@Winning_life21 · 3:09
I put on my big girl panties and I said, audios get out of here. You're no longer welcomed. So I'm glad that you pointed out that courage is needed. Just about to do for you to do anything. Like you said, from standing on that stage for the first time, reciting a poem, I can remember that for myself. When I was about, I'll say about eight years old, I had to say my first poem, which I still remember
