Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 4:59

#LOL | Kids do the darndest things

And so he goes into the truck because they hadn't been taken out of the truck, grabs his bike, rides down the ramp of the truck, and takes off up the hill with the little boy that lived up the street. Zach wanted to do this, too. And we were like, well, your training wheels aren't on. We had taken off the training wheels because we were trying to get him to learn how to ride it without them

#TellYourStory #spplol2 #funny #humor @DBPardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:30


I have a great visual of him going down that street with you guys with your jaws dropped, going, wait a second. It's just a great story of personal triumph. And he certainly knew what he wanted when he wanted it. It's awesome. Thank you for sharing this
