Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:03

#TellYourStory | The one thing I wish I had done more of when growing up...I Wish I Had Some Fights!

Second reason is I grew up with three brothers, and so my brothers fought. And just recently before one of my youngest brother passed away, he and my other brother were at my house on a Sunday, chilling, and they started talking about some of their fights and just seeing the nostalgia on their face, just seeing my brother kind of recreate how he picked the guy up and spun him around

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb25 @dobbsty

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:01
That's funny, because you say you wish you had more fights and you didn't fight with your brother and that you could have got away with it. Girl, today these kids, they will get prosecuted, too, because they're different. But back then, it was kind of just like fighting. That wasn't to the extremes that it is today. So I definitely can see that. And then with your brothers. Girl, I had a brother that would fight me anyway
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 2:39
I'm not sure how much it affected me during the college application process. I mean, I did. I did, you know, I did go to decent schools, but I kind of figured, know, when you apply and you take that sat test and you fill out that application, you could put down, okay, jv, basketball, drama club, music, whatever. Because sometimes I see the high school band, I'm like, man, those guys are pretty good, man
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 2:10
You know, the one I tried to tell them, like, you know, your mom should tell you, like, you don't bother that kid, but, you know, it is what it is. But, yeah, for me, I would have preferred to be able to just be a kid a little more
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:51
To feel what it's like fighting. But I don't wish to fight. I think I'm always the one to break the fight. I don't like to see people fighting, hurting one another. Because when I'm practicing, we always start with sparring
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:50
It. Girl, I'm sorry. Girl, you got me crying over here, laughing. That's funny. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I wasn't your friend when you were growing up, girl, a beat down girl, she'd have called it slapping me, girl, we'd have been rolling in the floor
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:27


Hey, Keefa. Yes. The kids today can and do get arrested. I worked in a high school and we had security guards. We also had state troopers that were, you know, we had a resident state trooper and they were there pretty much for that reason. Like, if there was a fight, they could arrest people. One of my good friends, a trooper named John, he. Good guy, good guy
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:31


But, yeah, if I had to fight every day, couldn't walk home without having to defend myself, then that would be not a story I want to tell. I do want to tell a story of when I was ready to fight. But they did walk away. So I forgot about this until just now. But long story short, these girls would walk
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:38


And sometimes they would get a little physical. They would pick up, like, little rocks and throw them at us. And I say, little rocks. Nothing that was going to crack our skull or nothing like that, but just a little pebble that could fit in their palm of their hand and just something to throw it at us to sting you a little bit and be really annoying. But my best friend, being much like myself, just was like, let's just walk home
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:54


But from being the oldest, there were a couple of people in this thread too who talked about that as well. I'm the oldest girl and so I have three older brothers. So although I felt like I had to grow up in terms of definitely had a lot of household responsibilities as far as chores, I definitely was the emotional center in my family. My mom would lose it and cry and shut down, and so I emotionally held her down and everybody else too
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:19


And so I purposely joined clubs at school and even the tennis team, just so I can have some athletic background. I'm not athletic at all. And I knew that at our school, you had to try out for the basketball team and the softball team and the volleyball team. Tennis was pretty much open because nobody wanted to do it. So if you signed up, you were on the team. So I joined tennis for the last two years of high school just for that reason and have fun
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:53
This is good. Yeah, fighting back in the 80s would have been great. I've been in some fights as a kid, but, yeah, back then, yeah, it would have been cool. Nowadays, not so much, but back then. I mean, I'm not saying nowadays because we're older, but I'm just saying if I was a kid in today's culture, I would not want to get into fights because folks don't know how to fight fair nowadays
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:55


And I'm like, he's like, well, I'm. I'm the oldest boy. Like, and I take care of my mom. I'm like, it's not the same. Like, when you're the youngest, even in the makeup, the genetic makeup, the dynamic, I tell everybody, like, your first kid is like the no limit soldier. They saw you probably at your highest potential
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 2:31


Girl, look, we would have been a tag team duo. Wait, no, that was. That was hilarious. The first day of school, though. Dang. Wait, I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Oh, man. It's funny, I had a similar situation. Why? This girl, I think one of her exes liked me or something, and she was jealous and she was my friend at first I thought. And then she just turned on me
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:00


It, girl. Oh, my goodness, girl. See, because people be trying you. It's ridiculous. I'm such a nice person. I really am. But I asked her repeatedly to stop calling me the n word. I really did. And it was unfortunate because it's like, why are you calling me that? Why is that even in your mouth? Like, why are you calling me that? Are you just trying to start some
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:01
Listen, I'm down with 99.9% of the things that I talk about as long as it's before a certain time at night because I do go to bed early. And two, listen, I'm not trying to do all the things that, no, now. The things I talk about what I want to do with my man, and that I do do with my man. Yes, that goes down. The other stuff that I just be yapping my mouth about, girl, bye
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 4:20
But the fear of jail, the fear of having something in my criminal record or something on my record, rather, it deters me from getting into any type of altercation. Like, I'm not trying to have any of that happen. Whereas back then, like you said, if it happened, I was with whatever, it didn't matter. I was young. Who cares? But I get it. I completely get what you're saying
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:33


Hey, Tanya, I'm late in seeing this post or seeing this response, so forgive me, but yeah, I mean, in today's world, it depends, right? Some people go straight for a weapon, whether it be a razor, a gun or something. I mean, having worked in education up until recently, there are still fights that they fight and then the next day they're friends again. It does still happen, obviously
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:28


All three walked away. Nobody even got a hit to even see if I was serious about it. But I'm telling you, my mouth, my eyes, my stance. Wish I had a picture for that day. I probably had a fighting stance that I didn't even realize. Probably looks like Ali about to hit the ring because they were like, oh, she crazy. And walked away. I do have that story
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:51


So thank God that even though if didn't fight like that, at least it wasn't every day I got to worry about defending my honor or something like that. So that's the good thing about it. And yes, if I was a fighter, you do have to go to the point where you turn it off, because now you're an adult. Now you got stuff to lose. Now people can sue you
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 2:46
But just like, come on now, high school kids fighting, man, it's not that deep. You know what I mean? But agreed, if you're doing things that's actually harming other people. Yeah, like stealing people's things, grand theft, knocking down elderly people. Like what is wrong with you? Yeah, like you said. No, that you can get arrested for. Again, these kids nowadays, they're just unruly
