Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59

Why I don’t give money to most organizations—Especially The American Cancer society or Susan G. Komen

If you notice my sister, she's wearing a yellow shirt, and she's in between my brother and I, and she clearly is in the back of the photo. This picture was taken less than two months before she passed away. She died from cancer. It started as breast cancer. It never went into any kind of remission, even with five different types of chemo, including a mastectomy to remove her left breast

This is very personal for me. Allow me to share

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:43

Shame on these multibillion dollar company’s for not helping people in their sickness when they promised to do so, if they received donations . Shame

And they don't care about the little people that have cancer. And that's unfortunate, and it pisses me off because everybody deserves the same medical treatment. But this country is not proactive like other countries. This country is reactive. They don't do anything until it happens, and then they want to react. But I agree with you. I'm not giving a cent to these companies. And let me give you an example
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:50
I rather give of my time, energy, and resources to the grassroots organizations or directly to the people if I know where they are and what help they need to go directly to them
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:50
You're always compelled to give to these organizations because they pull at your heartstrings and g. Komen we're very caring and loving and nurturing and so we always want to help. But, yeah, these organizations don't live up to and I've seen several of them be outed in past years where they've misappropriated funds, embezzled funds, where people that needed the help didn't get the help. I've seen all that, so I totally agree with you, SIS
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:09


Money is allocated to places other than in people's hands, but there's also this disconnect, and because a lot of the leadership in many organizations, there's flaws in leadership. And so even though some of them again, who knows why they started, but some started with great intentions, but that intention is not being fulfilled. And no, you can't help everybody, right? But a lot of them aren't helping anybody. And it's just like, why do you exist?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:16


But I think I have a responsibility to do more than just feel good I gave to them, and now I'm just this great citizen. But honestly, if it doesn't make it into the hands of my neighbors, then I can't feel good about that. I can't. But thank you so much for your condolences and for chiming in. Appreciate
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:41


And so I need to look into that and stop that, because when I posted this on my social media page, someone sent me a video. I forgot the name of the documentary, but it was all about the susan g. Coleman foundation. And I watched the video, and I was like, oh, my know all of these things. Wear pink. Wear pink. And coincidentally, my sister passed away in. So of course my feelings were very raw
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:51


SIS I will say this as it relates to cancer research and all that stuff, there is big money in cancer treatment. There's big money in chemotherapy, there's big money in radiation therapy. And that's why a lot of these healthcare systems are so happy and excited to open up these new cancer centers and cancer wings and all the millions of dollars that go into creating this extra space for the purpose of treating cancer patients. There's a lot of money in it
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:06

It’s a Death Care Industry After All😕

Hi, Ann. This is Erica. I am just so, so sorry about what happened to your sister, but I am also disgusted with the American death care industry. And I don't want to call it healthcare, but it's death care because I noticed that when it comes to organizations, the money just is funneled into this research, which is a safe word for it's not going to go directly to the people
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:50
I'm just talking about for, like, other chronic illnesses. But lifestyle changes is definitely hard, but definitely worth it. It keeps you off of the meds. Again, this doesn't go for all chronic illnesses. Some illnesses requires meds, but that's a lot of money to be made from needing meds and other things. So just wanted to put that out there as well
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:31


So the lifestyle changes are important. I used to eat, like, all organic. Well, I spent time as a vegan sorry, I had to pause. I spent time as a vegan and as a vegetarian, but I now eat meat. But I would always buy before 2019, organic. Everything. 2019 is when I had my own personal I said my own personal pandemic. I wasn't sick, but financially, I got hit in a lot of areas, financially was one of them
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 2:25
Hi, Auntie Ange. Yeah, so I don't give to organizations either, for the most part, because, yeah, they steal. I am Haitian, and I'm pretty sure that everybody knows about the earthquake that happened in Haiti. And basically the Red Cross, which was one of the organizations that was raising money, took money and did absolutely nothing but the money, they were obviously supposed to go there and render aid, know, help build things back up and help with the infrastructure
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00


So to see them under dire conditions, people are likely to dig in their pockets. A lot of times people won't have a second thought when they see women and children in such despair. So let us see some progress or something. People would rather be caught up into a movement. We don't need a progress, we need to see some
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 3:00

@DearAuntyAng (Part 2)

We live in a sport and play society anyway. Change come about through discomfort. Change don't happen through people being comfortable. So it's necessary to feel a little discomfort from time to time. So I'm okay with this. I'm going to close by mentioning a song by Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. It's an old song, old group called Wake Up everybody. No more sleeping in bed. No more backward thinking. Time for thinking ahead
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:17
Hey, Anne. Yeah? Thank you for your response. And that's the other thing, too. We notice that men don't get the help that they need to get back on their feet as well. And that's just so unfortunate, because as people as a whole, sometimes things happen. Things don't just happen to women and children. Things happen to men, too, as well as elderly men and women, as well as young adults and teens. So that is very discriminatory
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:41


Because, let's see, that was when was that earthquake? 2010? So we're talking 13 years ago, I think she was, she might have been 15. So, yeah, that's how fast time goes by. But he fought to get her here. And yeah, I know a lot about the corruption that happened specifically for Haiti because the way the narrative has been spun about that country. So it's just crazy all around
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:53


Because if it was truly all about health and wellness, folks are going to go there, and they're going to get it because they don't want to die. But if you got to do all that to try to get this vaccine out, well, that sounds more to me like you have a bunch of doses that you pay for that are going to expire, and you need to get it in somebody's arm at least, right? That's the kind way or the least harmful way
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:56
And to feel kind of disconnected from these monolithic systems that are organizations that claim to be advocate centered, patient centered, that they weren't there, you have to hurt from that and question everything about it. I'm just so sorry. And I'm just so grateful to this community to be a place where we can give voice to this. And then what to do after that is the critical step
