Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 5:54

Is laziness still a thing?

Well, I still say it, but I'm just asking the question. Or does everyone have a disorder? Does everyone have an excuse to why they can't do what for so long, many people have done, and we can't do it now and again? I give all respect to everything that someone may legitimately be dealing with, but I also know we live in this time in society where we have modern conveniences that our ancestors could only dream of. I mean, not even dream of

We live in a time where modern conveniences abound…Yet, we can t find the time to clean up after ourselves?

Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 4:30


You had mentioned depression, that people do have depression, but maybe a hopelessness that things simply are not going to get better. No matter how much effort you put in on somebody else's job, it's never going to get better. So I think you hit a nail on the head as far as maybe then they need to do their own business. It amazes me. I saw a guy on Facebook Marketplace saying, I'm looking for work
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 2:13
Hi Anne. Thank you so much for posting that. By looking at the picture, I developed anxiety. You know, that's that's not laziness, you know that in that picture, that sheer, you know, the whoever the person is, is devoid of cleanliness, you know, is devoid of that. And is laziness a thing? Yes, it is. I had easy day today. I do have that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:16


And so now, because we have these conveniences, we could literally be shopping at night. We can literally watch TV or be on social media all night. We're doing that and then we wake up the next day and we don't want to do our housework or we wake up the next day and we don't want to have the hard conversation because I think these conveniences have taken away our working gene
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 2:52
Hello. We have to understand that the human body is not a machine. Even if it was a machine, the machine also need the time to reset, the time to slow down, break down, replace the oil, the fluid and whatever. So feeling lazy sometimes minds it should not be a shameful thing to recognize. I usually call Sunday a lazy day for me
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:52
Or they were shuffled around from place to place, and nobody really instilled any upbringing or home training in them because they never stayed anywhere long enough to really learn or anything or to build any stability. So all of these things are possible. But as adults, I know we work ourselves like crazy when we get home. We don't want to pick up and clean up anything. And like you said, we're always busy
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:34
And I think for some people, that's very difficult to handle because online everybody knows you. Or it seems like, but in real life, not so much. And so I think that's what draws people back to their phones. And phones give you a way to kind of destress and to disengage if life is overwhelming
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 5:00


Ever since the one downstairs was installed Lekea month later, I noticed the water pressure on the toilet is off, and I'm just like, okay, it works. It flushes. I'll call the plumber at some point, like you said, just get an estimate. I mean, I have a home warranty, so when it works, I can get anything repaired, just pay my deductible. Sometimes they have trouble finding vendors, and sometimes the people that come out are giving me the run around
Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteries · 4:49


And we do have a lot of technology nowadays to help us out with us, but like, roombas, for God's sake. But I also believe that we are also busier than ever. We're more stressed than ever. Those things also play into how we keep our space. But I've also seen Laziness to the point of women my age getting pregnant simply so they don't have to go to work. You're like, oh, sorry, I got to take care of the baby

@DearAuntyAng (Thank you for the heads up! 🙏🏻)

So you take everything that I mentioned before that every human is experiencing, you throw it in with a neurodivergent individual, and that is an exponential load put on somebody to still judge them by whatever ideas were originally had, I don't know, centuries ago, let alone two decades ago, right? And a lot of people we know who are neurodivergent are missed. They fall through the cracks
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:53


It's needed. I look forward to it. And I'm of the belief system that we cannot do it every day, otherwise things will not get done. And so if there's something in you that wants you to do that every day, we got to figure out what's going on, because it can't be or it shouldn't be, because it's not healthy. It's not healthy for the picture that I posted on this swell
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:46


So she has a bedroom and a bathroom down there and she keeps her area like she was raised. And it's very hard for me. Very hard for me because I'm not going to be the sole housekeeper in my house. And I'm also not that I'm not as confrontational, I'll handle stuff, but I don't want to come home every day and say, you have to clean that up. How can you walk over that same piece of paper every day?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59


And so no one that I know lives alone. If they do, they probably don't have an apartment with the TV and pizza. They probably live on an island somewhere. And so that means either you have a spouse, a roommate, children, or parents who do live with you and or neighbors. And as I said in another reply, when you have, like, let's take the picture in front of us
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:20
And so that's the part I don't understand. And I can say that again. It could be a person's abilities, cognitive. It could be race, gender, your weight. We all want to be treated as equals and that we are capable and competent. But then to turn around and say, well, wait, I can't quite do that. Remember, I'm black. I can't do that. That's what I don't understand


But also please recognize that I have these difficulties because you want to be valued and not dismissed but at the same time want there to be understanding and trying to communicate those two sides of the coin is difficult. And what doesn't help is that if you were to somehow map it out, the struggles and strengths for me specifically right, one day I'm going to have no problems getting done what needs to get done and other days it is going to be the absolute opposite
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:10


So it's two things that people say when they refer to themselves or others as a single mom. One is, I'm a single mom. I'm a superhero. I do it all by myself. I'm wonderful. And then there's the other aspect of a single mom, that's I'm a single mom. I'm a victim. My husband left. I got these kids, help me, help me, pay for me, take care of me


And I think those two facets alone make it an interesting and difficult conversation of society's perceptions. And then what we internalize to what is it to be independent and what is it to have connectedness? Not dependence, let's say, but connectedness. The other thing is, I think that came up for me as I was listening, is when do we admit that there is something wrong?
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00
Now, I'm not a drug user, I never did use marijuana, but to my understanding, marijuana does two things, amongst other things it may do, it gives you the munchies and it makes you very lazy. And with this, ever since they made marijuana legal, I don't know that at one point they were smoking something called K Two, and now I don't know what is it? Even though I never used marijuana or smoked it, I know what it smells like
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 2:41
Come to find out that the guys on both jobs are high out their minds, and it's with that synthetic marijuana that they're smoking, and they're walking around like zombies. And I had an issue because these guys are working in the dark, and I think it's something wrong with that. It's like reading in the dark. I'm not talking about just them. I'm talking about almost pitch black
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:44


They'll call you, they'll leave a voicemail if you don't get back to them, then they'll text you. And then I've seen people jump in the Facebook inbox or even go on Facebook like, hey, call me, okay, I saw your message. Oh my God. Like one of my cousins is good for doing that. I'll be posting about dinner and she'll say, hey cuz, call me, check your inbox
