Anitta P.J
@anittz · 1:16

Start loving others by loving urself first❤️🦋

Hi guys. Today I am here to remind you to stay connected with yourself just like you. Nourish your relationship with your friends, families, or any other bond you have. You have to nourish your relationship with yourself. You have to stay connected to yourself so that the relation with others is also more effective. You should know what you need so that you can understand what others might need. In short, finding yourself is the key to finding others

#youmatter #loveyourself

Suchismita Patra
@Suetwinslook · 0:09
Hey, thank you so much for sharing it as well. It's like really true, called self care is what self love is, and we need to do it and learn it
sucharita Patra
@Suetwinslaugh · 0:15
Yeah, you are right, dear. I think the fast thing you should connect with is with yourself because selflove is more important than anything. And we should keep connected with ourselves so that we can understand ourselves more better than anyone's
Shakthi Balakrishnan
@shakthikabala · 0:33
Yeah. I think this is really good advice. If you don't have a good relationship with yourself, then you can't really have a good relationship with others like you need to help yourself before you can help others. And you can't really help others if you aren't at your best. So really taking care of ourselves is the most selfless thing we can do, even though it seems the most selfish at times. Yeah. So thanks for your message. I really needed that reminder today
diya sabapathy
@diyasabs · 0:14
Hi. Thank you for talking about this topic, because I think selflove and selfcare is so underrated, and it's a very important part of all of our lives. So, yeah, you did it. You did a great job
Zoya A
@ZoyAmol · 1:21
I need to talk to myself for five minutes, ten minutes, or even more, as in when the situation comes because I need to sort my thoughts out and I need to ponder over what I have done over the day, what I have my bigger goals in the broader perspective. I need to explore all those things. So I do this by talking to myself
Anitta P.J
@anittz · 0:27


Hey there. I'm so glad that you are taking this small effort to establish a relationship with yourself because, as you know, most people tend to look down to themselves or they don't really care what kind relationship they have with others. Or to be honest, they don't bother at all or such a thought never comes to their mind. So it's a great effort that you're doing. Keep it up. I mean, it's really nice hearing you say that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

naina naina
@NAINA · 0:20


Hey, I liked your pause. It's a great reminder that start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start, start loving other by loving urself. It's a great reminder to everyone and you have wonderful experience about finding the real in your life. And thanks for sharing such a good message as well. Thank you. Bye
