Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:49

How to be Emotionally Intelligent? #TalkTo Shivam, Life coach.

Hey there. It's your host, Anisha. Today we have a fascinating personality who is a certified emotional intelligence life coach, shivam. He is the author of two bestselling self help books how to Unleash Your True Potential and Finding the Magic in you. He has personally coached thousands of people across the world towards being emotionally intelligent. Join us on October for an intuitive interview with Shivam. Exclusively available on swell

#Inconversationwith #IndiaSpotlight #InterviewAGuest #SwellInterview

Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:12

Question 1

A very warm welcome to you, Shivam. My first question to you is what is emotional intelligence and how can one build it to make them successful?
@shivamnow · 1:17


Hi, Anisha. Thanks for this beautiful question. I think the most important aspect when it comes to building emotional intelligence is all about understanding the difference between reacting and responding
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:18

Question 2

Wow. That was really insightful. My second question to you is, does our emotional quotient actually play a role in our academics and shapes in being able to enhance certain skill sets, such as problem solving and thinking out of the box?
@shivamnow · 0:51


You. Yeah, it has a very interesting role to play. Not directly, but a lot of indirect relation is attributed to it because if you're emotionally aware and emotionally conscious of how you're dealing with your emotional reactions, it becomes easier for you to manage the other components of li, be it professional or personal or even academics for that matter
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:19

Question 3

That really does explain a lot and give a lot of insight as to why people who are emotionally intelligent perform better in other areas of their life as well. So my next question to you is how do more and more people end up lonely when there are so many means of communication around them?
@shivamnow · 1:46


Because no matter however and how much we chase that particular validation or understanding or awareness or love or respect of whatever we do from other people which I do not say is wrong because we are all human beings and that's a very basic aspect of social awareness, social component. But that is not the only thing we should be striving towards
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:22

Question 4

That definitely makes a lot of sense given the context of our generation and given the situation surrounding us. So my next question to you is why is there so much pressure and power dynamics played in the dating scenario, and how do you think it will evolve in the future? It
@shivamnow · 3:17


Because in a lot of previous generations, what had been happening is that there was a lot of power, there was a lot of strength in one of the genders compared to the other gender. So automatically it led to a lot of resentment, a lot of anger, a lot of trauma into the other gender
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:42

Question 5

That just really added a lot of meaning and so much insight into this. And also the thing that you addressed that men and women are principally different and we shouldn't try to be the same, and we should embrace our differences and try to work around being independent and being collaborative with each other so that we help each other grow. I think that's a wonderful point you've made right there
@shivamnow · 1:22


So that would allow you to understand that emotion, embrace that emotion, and then work on what you can do to find the cause of it and then work around those particular things. And this is just the very first step of it. But again, there are so many other things that you can do in terms of being curious about your life, in terms of being inquisitive about your values, about your conditioning, about your belief systems. And that would allow you a lot to work on emotional quotient
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:15

Question 6

Those are some great tips right over there. My last and final question to you is what advice would you like to give to someone who finds it difficult to be emotionally available to others?
@shivamnow · 1:07


You. For a person who is not able to be emotionally available to others, I think it often roots from some sort of bad experiences, some sort of trauma, some sort of impact, and this very strong notion that they don't want to get hurt again because of previous experiences where they might have got hurt. And that is where they have started to draw a line and eventually build a wall around them. So they don't want to be committed
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:27

Thank you so much Shivam, for your wonderful time. Well, that's all what we had for today folks and I'll see you at 03:00 p.m. IST today again for another interview. Don't forget to follow Shivam on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and here on Swell. I've given the links in the description below. Until next time, bye
