Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:15

Ask Swell - Favorite Love Movies

Pretty woman, dirty dancing, love and basketball, love Jones. So those are some of my favorite love movies. I'm sure there's more. And I'll be like, when people comment, I'll be like, oh, yeah, I like that one, too. So comment some of your favorite love movies. We're talking about love. So what are some of your favorite love movies

#AskSwell #movies #love #valentines #relationship

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:53
But this movie was just so dope because I kind of like that friendship dynamic where you realize this person is more than a friend and you just like, okay, why am I looking for love somewhere else? Where here's this person who knows me, who gets me? Let's just make it something. And so this is one of my favorite love movies. And actually, it's the only one that came to mind
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:09


Like, before the friendship, he loves her. And so he go and get her. And so that's why I like that. Of course, we all know about love and basketball, basketball, dirty dancing. That's like the forbidden love. Baby is so much younger than Patrick Swayze's character. And so that's kind of like the forbidden love because she was sleeping to go see him. And then pretty woman, that's like the night in shining armor movie, right?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:50
Hey, so my favorite romantic movie of all time is Titanic. I love that one very much. And I also love the notebook. I love the movie the vow. I love dirty dancing as well. I also love. Also love. Just right. That's another great one, too. I like jumping the broom. That's another one I like. The best man is another one. And those are just a few of the movies that I enjoy
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 0:56


Hey, Tanya. I can't believe, listen, the Titanic, I'm sorry. For me, it's just too long. The Titanic is like 3 hours, just like the godfather is. But it definitely is a good movie. I've never heard of the vowel, so I'm going to have to look that one up and watch that one because I've never heard of that one. I forgot all about jumping the broom, but yes, jumping the broom is definitely another good one
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:43
So just to chime in on the fun, let me see. My top five would be. I forgot the name of it, but somebody did already mention it. The one with common and queen Latifah. Yeah, that movie was the bomb. And Jason's lyric, poetic justice, jungle fever. And I think that's about it. I would say the lion King, but I think you guys are referring to people and not animals. But that was another one
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:34

A Walk to Remember, The Proposal

So anyway, those are two of my favorites. Thank you so much for this question. It's so beautiful. I love to talk about love now because I'm in love, but yeah, it's a good thing. It really is. And when I think about how silly I was not to watch love stories because love doesn't stop because you're not in love. Love is always there. I mean, you can always make more. Love is something that's infinite
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:22


But every now and then, I want to watch some good love stories to kind of balance out to kind of balance out the other movies. Oh, another good movie. Two other good movies that I like that people don't think they're romantic movies, but I think that they are. I think there are love stories in them. Jack Nicholson. So he plays in as good as it gets. That's a good one. And what's the other one?
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:59


Hey, shay. So you are right. So listen, I did not even think about Jason's lyric, but yes, Jason's lyric is definitely a good love movie. So it's poetic justice. You are right. And listen, I'm right there with you with the Lion King, okay? Because Nala was like, nah, you my boo. Okay, so I'm right there with you with the Lion King. That is a good love story. Be romantic. Romantic
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 1:50
Hey, what's going on, everybody? I guess. I guess I'm late to the party as usual. Love movies, man. I guess I'd say Titanic love Jones loving basketball. But I guess what I'd put at the top of the list is Dr. Javago. Man. Dr. Jivago is one of the best love stories I've ever seen. That movie had history. It had love, romance, action. That was one of the most. I don't know, man
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:42
The scenes that he has and just the suspense and I don't know, it's just like a little kid, kind of like a little teenage girl. That's the way it makes me feel. But great, great topic. We
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 2:53
You mentioned pretty woman, and I'm going to throw Claudine in there. I guess you could say Claudine fits into this category. This is an old movie. I mean, all the movies are old that I mentioned, but this particular movie, Claudine, that's probably back in the movie stars Diane Carroll and James Earl Jones. Oh, Jason's lyric starring Jada Pinkett. And there's another movie. I'm not even sure if this is a good movie
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:31


Nah, I'm okay with you with the Spiderman. But which Spiderman? Because you know, it's like a thousand Spider man. It's like a thousand spider mans and all. Every movie there's a different Spider man. Like there's not the same Spider man. So you have to say which Spider man movie that you like. But I understand not everybody likes a good love movie. And that's okay because I like movies that may be about other stuff
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:08


Indecent proposal is a good one. If we want to do like, unrequited love, right? We could throw fatal attraction in there. But indecent proposal was a good one. I liked indecent proposal. That was good with Demi Moore. It was in that one. I like grease, too, now. Grease one and two, them are some of my favorites. Grease one, you better shape up because I need a man and my heart is set on you. You better shape up
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:53

Fifty Shades trilogy

Like, we don't even want to know why you be watching it. And here's the thing. Yes? Are there some sex scenes? Yes. Are the sex scenes pretty steamy? Yes, they are. They really are. However, especially because I have the unrated edition of all of them. They put a little bit extra in them, but I don't be paying. Sometimes I'll fast forward through the sex parts, but the love story, right
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 2:45


I couldn't. It seemed like I only saw the first movie, and it just seemed like Christian had no way of expressing his affection for the woman besides putting her in bondage and doing the sub thing and all that stuff. It seemed like he was just kind of like this robot, this cold guy. I think the plot progression and all that stuff. I just couldn't get into it. Now, you did mention that in part two and part three, he does change and things get better
