Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59

Healing for the Inner Child - Better Adults

You have to allow that little girl to feel that hurt and to feel that pain and then hug her and let her know it's okay. It's okay, right? And I think a lot of times and that's why this is the reason why I say mental health is so important. This is the reason why I say people need to go seek out counselors. This is why I think families need to seek out counselors, because it's important

#healing #childhood #trauma #emotions #experiences #relationships #family

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:37
And I was doing my list with Ayana one day, and she said that actually, I was watching one of the shows, and it was a young girl on there, and she was talking to her mother, and she didn't like the way her mother raised her, and she was very upset about the situation. And I remember her saying, remember, your mother did the best she could with which she knew or what she had
Stacey Kedeja
@iamkedeja · 1:55


I know my dad loved me, and I know my mom loved me. And they did the best that they could. They could have did better. But then I say that about me. I love my child, but I could have did better as a parent. And wow, thank you for this. I'm going to do some more inner child work because I do work on my inner child. One of my things of dealing with my inner child is being playful. Bought me some roller skates
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:22


So, yeah, I definitely like that. And I definitely understand that. That's exciting that you were able to go with her. That's exciting. The inner child, we are so complex. Our minds are so complex, and there are things that your mind will block out, and you'll even forget that they're there until something happens. And then you're like, whoa, why did I react like that? Where did that come from?
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:53


Sometimes we have to look at parts of us that maybe we don't even realize are still there, right? Things that we may not even realize are still hidden back there because our mind, maybe it was so traumatic or so painful or so whatever, that our mind pushed it all the way to the back. And it takes something. And it could be somebody saying something
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:26
I appreciate this well cast because it is critical I tell everyone. What was groundbreaking for my healing journey from domestic violence was attending a healing the inner child retreat. And let me tell you, my primary reason for going was simply because I knew of the person who put the conference together and I was so proud of how her business was blossoming forward. I just wanted to so in it. And I said, I'm going to participate. I like her reels
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 3:07
And I'm a really expressive person, so that helped me a lot in my journey. But it's been tough. Like I said, it's been pretty difficult. I've had to have difficult conversations with my parents. I've suffered from anxiety for a very long time. Ever since I was a child, I always felt anxious, didn't know why. And then I started to realize that, okay, this happened, this happened, this caused me to feel that way
