Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 4:13

#COP28 is looking to be a failure toward ending fossil fuel reliance. There are big #ClimateInfluence levers we haven’t yet pulled.

So I'd love for anybody who's kind of following the climate Cop 28 and climate conversations, if they've had any experiences, if they've been surprised by efforts, or if hearing about what one company has done or what leader has done has influenced them in changing and kind of acting out more, and just ways that maybe they've seen that this sort of quiet influence can band together and make a difference as we oppose fossil fuels

Find and amplify more #leadership stories about people who DO have the political will to transition their sectors in a climate acting direction.

Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 0:15

The LinkedIn post I reference can be found on my profile there :

Oops, forgot to add the LinkedIn link to the post where I was writing about this. And also, just so people know, you can always find my LinkedIn via the link tree link that's in my profile copy. Thanks
