Imran Ahmed
@Alfaz-e-munsif · 2:22


odouonslamalic all my swelsrendsering chardy with all few so would also love to her for am all of you and would request all of to share one of your favorite sari anything you would like to share so im sharing the one which are widen just to esd only क्या है यूँ दिल को बहलाना भी अच्छा रहा यूँ दिल को बहलाना भी अच्छा रहा कि वो कहा गया था कि वो आएगा 1 दिन which means that you lebringmerself but it just making you to understand you once home you love or someone who is very special to you said that he or shell gone back and just because of the sea weeding that one statement of the person as important to you mit have promise you that he she it come back as you know giving you hope basically you can see you leringoselvbecause they is a hope some people also you know can spend the whole life just for waiting for format i hope you all gono like it will also gonda reply on the same i love you expecting for all of u to please share your on anything that you like someone s thank you so much i r grey today।

#Urdushayari #shayar #poet #life #emotions

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:10
beautiful tort and lovely lines as always and you know you are right i hope moves the world कभी कभी लगता है कि इंतजार में बैठे रहना ही जिंदगी की सबसे बड़ी सच्चाई है और हम सब इंतजार करते रहते हैं या तो वो शख्स का या फिर वो मोमेंट का या सक्सेस का या खुशी का और इसी इंतजार में जिंदगी अपनी सारी करती है खैर आपने पूछा 1 फेवरेट शेयर सुनाने को और मेरे फेवरेट तो गुजार साहब हैं तो मैंने 1 आई जस्ट शोज कपले वुड लाइक टु रीड हमने अक्सर तुम्हारी राहों में हमने अक्सर तुम्हारी राहों में रुक कर अपना ही इंतजार किया i hop यू लाइक गुड नाइट।
Imran Ahmed
@Alfaz-e-munsif · 0:52


thank you so much for re playing and it was really very much nice and very d the one which sin from fulasofcourse is a de genral person so i really like the one which you have shared and it has a lot meaning in it so people will sure love you voices when i believe you must try to share anrercsiweallwod love to the sino more and thank you so much once again for responding at least even on respond to make smetorilyhappye so gifs me the reason to gain right something and share with all of an gip sharing thank you so much।
