Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:06

Café Misadventures! x'D

And finally, when we reached it, it was under construction. They were generating it. After that, we thought, take care, whichever cafe is nearby, we'll go to that probably some good cafe. So we saw another cafe on. And so we decided to visit that cafe. But then again, for some reason, each time we took a turn, according to the navigation, according to the map, it always kept showing it's just five minutes away. Five minutes away

#sayitonswell @hygge

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:25


Yes, of course, the misadventures did make it a more memorable and way more fun day than it could have been otherwise. And yes, misadventures are not always likely a bad thing. Maybe you're a bad turn. Misadventures can be quite rewarding, as was the case with us. So yes, it's
