paula howard
@afro_vybze · 2:14

Going on adventures to fight anxiety

So yesterday I decided I was going to go out the house on my bike ride, like really far to the downtown area, and I climbed the tree. I love climbing trees. And I got some food, I got pizza. And then I rode my bike back, and I got a really good workout that totally distracted my body from my crush, totally distracted my thoughts from my crush. And I was just feeding my body good energy, which leveled out the anxiety

#viralswell #adventurestory #adventure #anxiety #getout #outside #isolation #goodtalks #mentalhealth

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:16
Yes. Paula, I love everything about this. You definitely brought it to this well and happy I stumbled onto it. You you definitely brought me into your current situation. I felt it. I you know, we're familiar familiar as human beings with those sensations, and then you provided with healthy, natural alternatives to cope with the sensations that so many of us are so familiar with. You expressed it beautifully in such a short amount of time
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:06

@dobbsty @afro_vybze

I love what advice is given in the context of the problem, and that's what I appreciate it most. I think, you know, Ty, you you brought it home here because there's a lot of conversations about anxiety and ideas. It's not easy, but it's very commonplace to talk about the solutions that you provided
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

paula howard
@afro_vybze · 0:35


Thank you, Ty. I'm happy you responded, and it just gives me so much confirmation on why I'm on swell at all. And that's the reason I'm here, is to share my perspective and give people insight to how I see things in the world. And also so I can share advice and tell my story. So if I can do that, I can touch just one person. That's me fulfilling my goal and making a big impact
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:20
You're going to move and impact so many more people than just one, I assure you. This is such an organic platform. People are so available and open. So just keep posting, keep sharing your truth when you feel like it, and I can almost guarantee you, you're going to have great results. Excited to see what comes from it?
