Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 3:03

Public Speaking 101 | My name

I'm an amateur songwriter and I really like to sing, but I've never been trained in singing, so sometimes I sing off pitch. They prefer to roost in bushes close to the ground. And I'm very much like that. I'm afraid of heights. I would rather stay close to the ground. So that's a little story about my name, wren, and I absolutely love it. I love my name, and I think it fits me very well

the Public Speaking prompts Swell recently announced. The 2nd photo is me holding a glass w/ my name etched on it. #PublicSpeaking #MyName

You definitely appear as a wren. But, some things can be apparent. You’d be a wren if your name was Betty, you know?

If I were a singer and someone said, hey, you know, this songwriter, Wren, that's all she would need to say. Or he would need to say. I'd be like, oh, yeah. If you don't want a song from a bird, where you gonna get it from? You know? Well, not a chicken or a turkey, but, you know, a flying, singing bird. But, yeah
