Abhilash Mohan
@Abhilash1994 · 4:55

Patience - Delay

And I want you all to wish me good luck and watch a short film and let me know how did you like about our film. Okay, so just want to say it's. Okay. Couple of things take time, it gets delayed. So you guys have to have lot of patience, wait till it release. Okay? So thank you very much for listening. Have a great day ahead. Thank you, bye

#Patience #Delay

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:02
And to get and to reach that particular point where you hold all that you are capable of, you need lot and lot of patience. That's what makes you different from others. And that patience. When you develop, you'll surely be successful. Irrespective of the domain, irrespective of anything else. You'll always shine like a star in the sky, I feel
