Abantika Mukherjee
@abantikaxo3 · 3:28

Fat and Beautiful: Happy Women's Day-Abantika Mukherjee

Everyone has their own opinions, their own characters, their own personality, which makes them beautiful and unique. Everyone has their pros and cons. You have to make your pros outshine your cons. Everyone has cons. It's just how you react to your pros and cons that make you love yourself and makes other love yourself. Not everyone is going to find you jaw dropping, but don't try to look like someone else because not everyone matters. Pretty isn't related to your weight

#sayitonswell #proudofher #bodypositivity

Triyasha Naha
@triyashanaha.21 · 0:30
Hey this is Triyasha and I really hope you are fine enough. So I really feel nice that someone is saying that weight and fat doesn't make you beauty pull up pretty. Yes I really do agree with your point nowadays when body shaming is such a concern for us. Yes I also do believe that beauty lies and skin deep
