Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:54

Golden Globes : Indian Cinema

Yes, it had the largest fan following, if you will, and as a great brand recall. But it is only a part of Indian cinema. Indian cinema. Also has Malayalam cinema, Kanara cinema, Telugu cinema, Bengali cinema and so many other film centers. A country which produces 2000 films. Clearly, there has to be that many more mini industries that comprise of this huge, mammoth one industry

https://youtu.be/bQk5t_dRYss , #GoldenGlobes, #Indiancinema, #RRR, @MahaanMusings

Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:05
You brought up a film like the Irishman, which ironically, is one of my favorite films of all time. It's easily one of my favorite Martin Scorsese films, which I know is a divisive thing to say. But then you have James Cameron Avatar coming out this week and its runtime is sitting at like a very long three and a half hours
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:42

Here’s a 20 min short movie -@Taylor : https://youtu.be/R-Sk7fQGIjE

There are some very realistic movies that have been made in India as well, from various film industries within India. And so one would probably start with that and one could start from YouTube without that is easily accessible with those 20 minutes short movies. If you ever needed a recommendation, do let me know. I could probably give you the sequencing. Start with shorts of 20 minutes on YouTube, then gravitate into slightly longer ones. Run time 1 hour 30 minutes
