Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:48

Kuttey / Reservoir Dogs

Great plot and storyline and some of the better movies that Indian cinema has produced over a period of time. Especially Heather is my favorite followed closely followed by Makbul. It would be in that order. Heather Makbu land omkara Makhbal purely because of the magic of taboo and later Fan Kans. They had amazing chemistry and such stellar actors. Mr. Nastritin, Mr. Ompuri and Mr. Pankhit Kapoor. Oh my God. That is like a powerful star cast

https://youtu.be/76BhvV8ihRM , #indiancinema, #movies, #bollywood

Deepak Mahaan
@MahaanMusings · 1:05
And I know of people who have never read Shakespeare going out of the cinema halls thinking that Shakespeare was as abusive as these films. So that, in a way, is actually a travesty of justice to me. But nevertheless, I think certainly, since you recommend it so highly, I eagerly look forward to the firm. Thank you and a happy New Year before we converse once again. Thank you
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:37
And the fact that you feel perhaps this could be a remake of Reservoir Dogs makes me a bit wary because, as you know, Reservoir Dogs isn't exactly a movie that can be easily remade, especially to suit the Indian context and appeal to the Indian sensibilities and still stay true to the original writing by Tarantino. So I'm curious to see what Vishal has up his sleeve, especially if it's going to be like a scene by scene remake
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 2:02

Tabu and her dialogue delivery makes me watch this movie. #cheerschatty #moviereview #masterclass #inspiration

Hey Aayan. Thank you so much for inviting me to his webcast. So I'm not a visual Bharadwaj fan. I like his movies. I've watched them. The content is great, it's well crafted. The dialogues especially, very powerful. So I do watch them when I get a chance. And this particular movies TV that you're speaking about is his son creation. I'm sure it's going to be very good. And the trailers look fabulous
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 5:00


That being said, there are apart from likes or dislikes, sometimes what happens is from an artistry standpoint, cinematic artistry level, one can't contest that if you define artistry a little more tangibly, the lighting, editing, the technical aspects of filmmaking, there are at least ten such disciplines which one views the movie. And so classic example being pathir PatelI by Mr. Sathajithre
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 1:30

Just to conclude

I think he's arguably not just one of the finest directors in India, but I think globally, the kind of grip he has on the technicalities of cinema is comparable to some of the best directors internationally. And having watched him evolve through the trilogies and through some of his previous works, at least, I rate him very highly from a technical angle standpoint. So I'd be very surprised if when he is helping his son direct his debut film, he will not have any inputs
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 3:47


I did watch that movie back then, at least 510 years earlier, if not even more. And so, yes, you're right, adaptations are tricky. As we found out with the case of Lal Singh Chada and Forrest Gump, that adaptation went completely wrong. And the results are there to show people. And this is notwithstanding all that boycott culture and all that, it was a bad piece of cinema, right? When I say bad, technically it was bad
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:06


I don't know if I can use a positive wicked term. That could be a little bit of an oxymoron, but I guess you get the drift. But largely it has been derogatorily used. And so it kind of sets a pattern in the society and therefore you find more less dog lovers and more dog fearrs. People fear dogs, and in many cases rightly so
