Aayan B
@aayanisms · 5:00

Marriage : a 5 year term only?

And if you really want to put a little bit of economical touch to it, then the law of diminishing marginal utility creeps into relationships as well. What fascinated you when you initially consumed it does not fascinate you five years down the line. Who knows? And so these are some realities which we have not updated, not changed forever. And yet we find statistics, alarming statistics that almost 47% of relationships end up in divorce. Clearly, these are the ones that are reported

https://s.swell.life/STSmYMdks0o0zmT : #marriage , #relationships,

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 3:12
And I agree with you when you say that people should come together for love and respect and should be in a partnership if they feel that way about each other and shouldn't even consider otherwise. So I am in full agreement with that. And I think marriage as an institution, again, has evolved, right from polygamy to monogamy and so on and so forth. And possibly this could also be the next leap and people might actually be relieved and talking about children
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:56


Seen an ideal or this is what you want. You want someone who chooses you over and over again and renews the relationship every five years. But the thing is, when Netflix began streaming, we all fell in love with Netflix, right? We were like, as the famous rural keyword, I think Academy or Oscar Jive goes, rename this show Netflix and tell them thank you, give them all the awards and go home, something of that sort

@Binati_Sheth @aayanisms

I also think, though, that, you know, marriage is a legal document and with some legal benefits and I think we've romanticized that to an extent and then we blend those things together of what a relationship I-E-A marriage looks like and the expiration of the paper meaning that's the end of the marriage. It's more that it's the end of the legal document. Right? I don't know
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:52


I'm not married. I honestly, at this point, don't plan to. And the key reason is this only beyond some legal tax benefits, I don't see anything in it for me that works in my favor. And again, I know we should not have, like, a give and take approach to things, but when I'm actively being disadvantaged by something not the case across the board, but generally seems to be the case with people in my situation right now


We create more turmoil for ourselves around all of these constructs and ideas we've built up than just seeking relationship with another person. And I'm with you. I don't know that I'll ever get married again because now it will have to be very different
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:51
But I think at a macro level, suffice to say that there will be more monogamous relationships in the than say in the probably the origin of liberalization, if you will. And then fast forward into the 70s when it became almost rebellious to be different, to do something else. There would be promiscuity factors increased and therefore the relationships got tested. Still the balance was in favor of monogamy and people sticking to the institution of marriage
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:52


But if the basic tenets of a marriage become simpler that, hey, we coexist because we respect each other, we love each other, and we want to be with each other with no pressure from external sources, which could be including, and not limited to your parents, your siblings, your immediate extended family. That's where the maximum perceptions trigger from. Right? So if people can look out for each other and give them that space, then this model could perhaps work
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:49


It's perfectly normal. It may not turn into a violent outcome. It did not turn into an ugly fight or battle or even infidelity. And these are human emotions. And so that is where the problem is, where you can't just switch them off because they don't happen at the same time. Like one person at the end of the two years will say hey, I think this is perfectly fine and the other person will say, no it's not fine. I want out
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:57
And I wouldn't want any restrictions on how I lived my life, and I wouldn't place any restrictions on how they lived their life because they're a whole total human being with the soul that's experiencing life. Who am I to try to air quotations control another person? Now, with that being said, when you think about all other licenses and certifications, they have an expiration date, but then when you get to the marriage license or certificate, it doesn't
Arish Ali
@arish · 2:47

@aayanisms "Marriage is hard enough, without bringing such low expectations into it" from Sleepless in Seattle

I think that's a whole different kind of conversation and in this particular case, in this particular world, to answer your question, right, I am kind of very much a traditionalist, I think, at that point, because I think to make a marriage work, it does require a fair bit of commitment, fair bit of effort. And if you put in this escape clause every five years, I don't think it's going to make marriages better in any way

#marriage #relationshios #lgbtqia #polyamory #nonmonogomy

So I think that's going to become the future of marriage, is just this widespread acceptance of that. The difficulty I see is governments getting on that kind of on that level getting on that level of understanding in order to be able to offer marriage contracts to non monogamous couples in whatever form that may be. Now, of course, there is the question that could be had should the government be getting involved in marriage? That's certainly an entire other conversation
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 4:15

Give it an OTP status! Subscribe NOW! #cheerschatty #masterclass #swellcast #relationships #marriage

And it's the purest and the most important relationship that you can ever have. Because with that you share emotional bonding, children, their upbringing, day, extended family because you don't get married to people, to a person in India especially, you get married to the family. So it's an entire ecosystem and more so an economical system, economic led system as well. I've never got married. I don't intend to. I'm happily unmarried
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:49

Making things work ! @arish

People increasingly are opting to delay, quote unquote, signing on the dot line or getting married legally, as it were, and staying together and living together. And if that's what works, then that will be the order of the day. Because as you correctly pointed out, that making a marriage work is an arduous task. It's a very difficult thing to do over a period of time. It is something that one has to strive hard and increasingly people do not want to work that hard
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:57


I love the term market correction used in this context and, yes, invariably linked to financial status of both the partners. I think that has a huge role to play. As I mentioned, the give and take aspect of it. I think financial independence brings in a lot of I think it makes it much more open. Right
