Aastha Arora
@Aastha2307 · 1:59

How to know what's your way?

Hello guys. Welcome to yet another swell of mind. Today we are going to talk about how to know what's your way in Indonesia I meet nowadays. Keeps talking about future plans, career confusion related to it. Yesterday I was asking my sweet and I observed one common thing that almost all the strangers we're talking about, which is what they would do. It, some said might be MBA, some said might be engineering, some said might be business

#sayitonswell #career #way #confusion #education

Fiona Hernandez
@FionaElizabeth · 0:31
This is a really great question. I'm glad you brought this up. I think that when we go into College, we think that we're going to do something else, but then we realize, oh, this is not for me or this is not what I was expecting it to be. So I think making a vision board and trying to figure out too running the down list of what things you like and what things you don't like
