Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 0:39

Tormented Father&Daughter Theme- DIVORCE

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His shoulders clumped down seeing her toned out cheeks, his eyes bursted into tears seeing her bursted feet, his soul railed out seeing his princess burning into Jane flames and dough, neighborhood custom made their lives pale hearing out my short victory. Take your time and reply. Share your valuable reviews

#divorce #tormentation #short #shortpoeyry #poems #4liner #abuse #domesticviolence

Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 1:24


Yeah, very true. This dowry makes life h***, traumatized. And at the end of the day, princess ends up into a hill bearing all the traumas pains, wounds, tears. And the father who gave up everything, sacrificed everything to see the Princess in heaven after her marriage is badly traumatized. Seeing the Princess facing the h***, irrespective of fulfilling all their wishes, it's very much heartbreaking, and it needs a voice to be raised. Thank you. Yeah
Jyotsana Rupam
@SPane23 · 2:05