Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 3:18

Pluto- A Mytsical Planet[Chapter-2]

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You. Hello, dears poets. Today I am back with my new chapter of the story pluto, a Mystical planet. Chapter Number Two Otsana Split. Everything is peaceful and beautiful, full until the ever charming moon lookered gloomy and the stars were fading away into the dark sky. The charm spreading fairies collapsed down and they look her pale. One of them fell into my lap. I sat straightened careless to its pale face. My fairy, can you hear me?

chapter of Pluto- A mystical planet 🤞🏻🌸 #collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #swellstories #swellnovel #plutostory #whispersofverses

Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 2:40
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Now Pluto is considered to be a dwarf planet. And after Pluto, we had another one skeptical volcan. But now there is no trace of it at all. Earth keeps moving away from all these planets inches by inches. But this university is sorry. Universe is so beautiful