Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 4:04

Pluto- A Mystical Planet (Chapter- 1)

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Hello, dear spellers. Today I am back again with new chapter of my story pluto, a mystical planet. So we are here we go into the chapter the sky changes its color. The moon and star started to graze their presence and the little pixie started to fly over the sky, glowing brightly more than the stars. Wow. The werewolves and the vampires started to gasp while enjoying the beautiful nighttime. This is so beautiful

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Aysha Nihidha
@Nichuz_Ash · 0:34
Ah. Oh my God. It is very beautiful. I mean the way you have told the music, the describing of the scene of each and every element, the mystery I cannot wait for the second part. Hopefully it will keep being some more thriller and yeah, it's very good for those who read like vampire like twelve like series I think it's well right those kind of people. So yeah, hopefully keep writing and keep doing a very good job
Priyanka Deshpande
@deshpriyanka · 1:46
And you literally took me to that place, to that world of the night sky, the silence of night, the skies. Oh my God. It is so overwhelming. I am enjoying the stories about the Alpha and to be very honest I remembered Twilight. It is one of my favorite movie. You might remember my favorite character such as Bela, then Jack and of course Edward. It's really amazing. And the way you are speaking each emotions you are facing. The voice is really commanded