Christina Dunham
@chrissydunham · 0:48


So I want to know what do you guys think about it? Like are you guys excited about it? Are you excited to use Meta or is this something that you think is a little ahead of its time? Let me know what your thoughts are

#sayitonswell #meta

mpilo thabethe
@Acey · 5:00


Because I remember two or three years ago I used to ask myself because every hundreds or whatever, because let me just take it back in the 1900, a lot of companies, a lot of people got rich of having factories like Coke and what else, warehouses, gaming. Basically, if you had a factory, if you're a factory owner, you were like the tech person of back there. And then the 90s happened
Cassidy Waterson
@cassidywat · 1:44
So I've been talking about the Metaverse a lot lately with like, my friends and my family and whatnot just because. Yeah, it has been coming up in conversation a lot. I think it's becoming a lot more of a reality. I know when Bill Gates released that, like all work meetings, virtual meetings, will be in the Metaverse. I thought that was crazy to me. And I was like, what does it even mean by that?