Tommy B
@TommyB3000 · 3:51

Our Political System In Peril

And I know that probably speaks to every country in the world, but money has truly ruined our system. The other thing I think we have to focus on is making sure that politicians are held to term limits. We're just looking at a lot of people who've been in office too long. I think not that I'm for term limits, not age limit because it's not about the age of an individual

Let’s do two things to save our country: 1. Get Money Out Of Politics; 2. Set Term Limits On Congress. #getmoneyoutofpolitics #settermlimits #politics

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:30
And I think that one common theme or one thing that most Americans can agree on, is that the politicians in this country have been doing a bad job. That seems to be on the left and on the right. One of the loudest talking points, it goes to show you that people are upset