Rucs123 Th
@Chauh.. · 3:09

Be Hard to that do not matter to you

So basically if you're not careful to all these precisely the impositions that will overwhelm in consumer life, do you ever wonder how can get some of your time back? How you can feel less PG? Start by learning power of no, I'm not going to be get caught up in this, or no, I'm deciding that particularly this event I'm not going to attend

#Focus #Own ur life #Art of living #self awareness

Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:55
Hi. Thank you for inviting me to speak on your swell cast. I definitely agree with you that no has a lot of power. Unfortunately, all of us get caught up in worldly dynamics and end up doing a lot of things that we don't like doing. For example, getting invited to a wedding. And because that person came to some of your functions, you feel compelled to reciprocate