Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:36

The new Apple iOS and macOS UI design

I can understand resistance to change, but interesting this time around, I feel like there are a lot more voices, like consistently calling this out. Personally, I like to talk about this because I'm heavily invested in UI UX. I make a career out of UI UX programming and design, and it matters to me also, I have sort of a bias or strong opinion of that to give you a little history

I like the new return to 3D relief and rounded corners

Mohammed Thawfeeq Ishaq
@mthawfeeq · 5:00


This time, I think Apple has managed to do themselves justice. And by introducing a lot of new features as well as fixing a lot of bugs from the previous one because iOS 13 was riddled with bugs, and there were many. In fact, my roommate, he got eleven Promax on the day of the launch, and I think there was a short update later on that day, and his phone literally got bricked, and he had to get a new one
Mohammed Thawfeeq Ishaq
@mthawfeeq · 2:18


I know that Apple did improve upon them and published a refined version of the same, but still come on, Apple new ideas. We expect a lot from you. So those are my thoughts. Let me know, what do you think of it
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:49

Skeuomorphosm vs flat

So with regards to iOS seven, I do not have much recollection of what the feature set were and about how buggy it was. But the one thing that kind of definitely remains in my mind is how flat things got to the point, like buttons totally became like just pieces of text. You didn't know what was text and what was a button. Even things like sliders were just became arrows. It was like ridiculously to one end to the point that the device became almost unusable in some cases
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:52

Residual effect on evolution of UX

Let's start with Windows seven to Windows eight. Now, the majority of use case for Windows was like your Workstation or laptops with a keyboard and a pointing device, and it worked plenty fine. For some reason, Microsoft decided that going ahead, there was only going to be one device, which was going to be a hybrid of a touch and a laptop with more focus on touch. And hence they threw in a touch based launcher as the primary interface
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:46
And honestly, if you ask me, I mean, yes, Apple is bringing features from Android, but I see more blatant roofs from Windows Phone Seven all across the board than Sorry, not Windows Phone seven, Windows Phone in general, the newer Windows Phone, Windows Phone Seven and Onwards, then really Android. The biggest difference being Android's whole desktop sort of metaphor with a separate launcher versus Apple's springboard approach and the new app launcher on the last page
Mohammed Thawfeeq Ishaq
@mthawfeeq · 4:51
And one huge thing would be that in scheme where you had all these flashy stuff with icons and all that where the flat design strips away all of that and just lets you focus on the content and thus it actually engages user engagement. I believe these are some of my examples. So let me get down to the next poll for now
Mohammed Thawfeeq Ishaq
@mthawfeeq · 4:59
Alright now for the residual effect. And I would also like to note down an example that you gave in the previous one where you gave the same phone to your daughter, and she could not really handle that. I'm really actually surprised Price, because Apple did not really do anything in that except for taking out the slider, the bar that you drag it across, the wedge or something like that
Mohammed Thawfeeq Ishaq
@mthawfeeq · 3:48
And I still remember that during the opening weekend alone, it sold around 72 million devices, which was a record back then, and I think it still is. So yeah. But yeah, considering Apple is doing this right now and not focusing, they are doing something right, because I will be upgrading this fall to the newer iphones. And I think you should really start off a new swell topic for Arm MacBooks or with the MacBooks Apple Silicon in them
Mohammed Thawfeeq Ishaq
@mthawfeeq · 0:56
And there is one more thing regarding the so called introduction on the Swell app. I was just digging through the app to find out if there were any other feature set. And I stumbled upon your introduction, and it really made me laugh. And I'm really thinking of a better one to top that off for my introduction. So let's see how that goes
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 3:52
Hey topic a lot to respond to over there. I'm gonna see if I can keep this nice and short for skeomorphism versus flat. I completely agree with you when you say that there is a constraint of including natural visual elements in Scheuomorphic design that might work against UI design. That said, I think UI design and Schemorphism are two separate attributes. You need good UI design married with Scheomorphism for a really good, effective experience