
1) How did you find your voice? and 2) How do you start a podcast?

Part two of this Swell is how do you make your own podcast? Where do you start? How do you pick out your topic and do you need special equipment? How do you get your followers? Where should you start? I've been thinking of starting one for a little bit, mostly about my racial identity as a trans racial adoptee, close to home topic, and I'm exploring it a lot right now, so I think speaking about it with other people would really help me

sorry for swallowing your ears! I'm sort of learning how to speak into my phone. #podcast #shareyourstory #diverseconversation #assertion

Meranda Troutt
@MerTroutt · 1:38
And that sounds incredibly simple and probably something that you've thought about before, but just go out there. Maybe private swell some people so you can feel a little more comfortable, feel free to swallow me anytime private swallow or another way that I personally like. And again, it might sound silly. Is watching yourself in the mirror. I feel like watching myself in the mirror really helps me form my words better because I can watch my mouth and how they're moving
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:50
But when we started ours, it was ten years ago and there weren't a million podcasts out there. There were no celebrities in the world of podcasting. There weren't all these groups like Laundry and Squirrel and all these corporations, the legitimate on the street person could build a following. And I don't think that's that true anymore, the way it used to be. But you have a great springboard here. Right

@AverageJoe @MerTroutt

Thanks for the tips, everyone. Miranda. I actually don't really like talking to myself in the mirror because it makes me more nervous for some reason. When I see a bunch of other people feel like, fine. I just get glazed over and I feel sort of like an out of body experience. I don't know. I just feel like I can control my body more mechanically, and I have more control, I guess. Yeah. So I could try the mirror thing