Mark R Fitness
@Markrfitness · 3:56

This weeks fitness tip

I'm guessing most people listen to this are not trainers and they don't know. But still, I would say to you, check, look and see, don't freak out. If a week goes by and you've put on a pound or whatever it is you're trying to lose weight or gain weight, you're not gaining or you're not losing or your time. You're trying to get fitter and your time is not increasing as fast as you'd like

Knowing when to make a change in your diet or training methods to achieve the desired results #fitness #weightloss

Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 1:19

Plus regular exercise of course!

I've said goodbye to Dairy forever and all grains, including rice, only because of my health problems. That wasn't a weight thing. The weight loss was a happy accident on the side. Nice to your voice, Mark
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 2:23


Hey, Georgie, how you doing? Wow. Ten kilos. That's got some good results there, man. Most people would struggle to do that. And the fact that you did it not for weight loss, but for health reasons. Isn't that funny? So some people are trying to lose weight so badly and they can't. But you really went into doing some good stuff, like paleo and intermittent fasting
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 2:42

Coconut Cheese!,

I started intermittent fasting, probably before May, with varied forms of success. But in May, I really crushed it like I really got serious with it. And then the paleo six weeks ago and the detox. And now I'm just sticking to the paleo, man. And the intermittent fasting cruising through got used to it now. Hey, the weight training. Yeah. You know what? I did start weight training recently, and then I stopped again
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 4:04


But if you think about aesthetics and you're thinking about looks and how you look, it's the weight training, right? I mean, the cardiovascular work is super important to health and for fitness, but it's the weight training that gives you the look of an athlete or that sculpts you that Combs you that shapes you. So when I'm taking my clients for, like, 12ft, one has just lost a stone and she changes me as well in person and does my plan
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 3:18

My man body in the 90's

And I got this boyfriend when I was about 24, and he was a total gym junkie. He had an amazing body. And he dragged me to the gym with him, and he started training me. He's like, I'm going to train you. I was like, okay, cool. And he said, I want to get your shoulders really strong, your traps and your biceps and all of those muscles up there, your deltoids. Like, I want to get into those