Hallalujah Ministries
@Reverness · 4:59

Bible Study

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So the reason why we're bringing this up is if someone has been rejected, we want them to know that Jesus was rejected since the day he was conceived and he fulfilled what he was sent here to do. So I want to bring home, no matter how much people reject us, when God has a plan for our lives, nobody can stop that. And 1 may ask who hated Jesus? The Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, they all let him get put on the cross

#Rejection #TheStone

Stephen King
@FeelBetterToday · 2:00


I just wanted to reply to your swell. As an LGBT Christian, it's quite frequent that I feel rejected depending on which type of church I go to. I grew up in the Church of Christ, and the Church of Christ was very verbal about the scripture that they read according to the interpretation that they used or the translation that homosexuality was wrong