Brett Mastema
@dontstartwithme · 0:12

How I came to swell

Hi, this is my swell story. I just come to swell from some random person that mentioned it on Reddit. Here I am

#newbie #swellintro

Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 0:29


Hi. Welcome to Swell. What's your name? If you don't mind sharing, I'm Brooke. I just put it right in my screen handle there to call the mystery out. The four, one five is for San Francisco. I like that you have, like, your top or politics, psychology and Lgtpq. But that's not what you're talking about in your slow. You're just saying, hey, so those are just general interest, which is interesting to me too
Brett Mastema
@dontstartwithme · 0:05
Brett Mastema
@dontstartwithme · 0:14
My name is Brett, and I'm still trying to figure out a lot of how this whole app works. I'm not even sure how I got on my phone, but here it is. So here I am
Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 0:36
But thank you for that and welcome. I believe you will find this community to be very enjoyable. Have fun exploring. We all wound up here somehow we don't any of us really know how or why or what the h*** we're talking about most of the time. If we could figure out how to edit, maybe we could make more sense and make this more entertaining. But we chop it up with each other. West coast is the best coast
Nic Ray
@Nic572 · 0:46
Hey, my name is Nic. I first found Swell. I think like a week or two ago there was there's this guy on YouTube called Lou. Later. He's also known as Is on Box Therapy. And he read an article about Swell, which was a new voice based social media platform. So fast forward, like a week later. And now I'm using the app. I just started using it today