Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:55

#AskALocal Connecticut, USA

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Yale has a whole different art scene, a different restaurant scene than what us locals would do. Like, if we're going to go get pizza, there's our pizza spots. If we're going to get a sub and chips and soda, we got our spots. The Yales have their spots. And I don't say that by accident

Allow me ti introduce you to my home state- Connecticut, USA

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:34
For that reason. I have been to Connecticut. I briefly passed by New Haven for, like, one day, and I thought it was nice. Yeah, I wish I'd explored a little bit more, but it did seem that Yale takes up a lot of the attention. Of course. Makes sense, but yeah. I am curious to know what the vibe is between locals and students at Yale
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:57


We are all mixed and matched, and I'm so used to that that when I go places and it's very segregated, I'm like, Where's everybody at? I don't hear anybody speaking Mandarin, nobody's speaking Spanish. What's going on here? I'm used to so much, right. And so Pepes and the pizza spots like that, everybody comes together, everybody's there, everybody is enjoying it
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:59


And we know once their education is done, most likely they're going out into other parts of the world. And so that's pretty much what we know. I attend a fairly large church in New Haven, and we have actually quite a few doctors and professionals that are attend our church. So Yale students, yale med students are very much welcome there
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:17


I just got to give a random shout out cause I'm surprised I found somebody so close on here. But I'm in Bridgeport based. I actually grew up in Jersey, but my folks, at least my dad's out of family are all from New Haven, so hello, neighbor
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:23


Hello, neighbor. And yes, you are right. When you find somebody from Connecticut, it is like a family reunion because we are such a tiny state and it's like, what? So. Hey, yeah, I'm from New Haven as well. I lived in Bridgeport years ago when I was married. I'm still in the New Haven area now, work in Hartford. So what's up, neighbor?