Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:42

Quick Money Saving Tips

Make that work for you. Lastly, utilities. I know we have bills every month you're going to have to pay for oil and electric and water, et cetera, et cetera. However, you can sometimes negotiate even with your utilities

#Money #Budget #BudgetTips #HouseholdBudget

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:24
And he does that with his internet. He does it with, I think, his cable. Yeah. Anyway, there's so many ways and it's important to just kind of reflect on the possibilities. So super cool. I'm glad to know that you know about that little secret too, and that you're here to try to make it less of a secret
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:45


Thank you so much for that. I gave you a follow, so look forward to hearing more from you. And I'm learning to keep my replies short and sweet on this app, so I'll leave it there and I look forward to continuing the conversation with you. Thank you