Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:28

When your friends are ambitious…it can feel like you’re always being marketed to!

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He posted something on Instagram today where he feels like everybody wants something from him and not like they're always asking him for money, but he feels like he needs to take a break. He has lost his son. I think it's been about a year since he lost his oldest son, so he's dealing with grief. And I so related to that post. I don't know if I related to such a post in such a way in a long time

My friends are always selling something or hosting a conference, or starting a book project. I’m happy for them, but I can’t support everything…

Carly D
@Astroality · 2:12
But I don't post about my personal products on my personal page. I keep my personal pages for my personal business, and I don't cross over the two of them, and I don't message people on social media about products. I just don't not my friends and family. Anyway, I don't know if that's helpful, but yes, I feel you 100%
Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 4:33

But are they really ambitious? If so, why not cast a wider net and stop chasing fish close to shore?

And when they're doing it, they're always coming to the same sources, their family and their close friends. And it's like they also expect you almost to contribute to whatever they're doing in some fashion, whether it's your presence or your money. But they're not always returning on those type of scenarios, right? I have one friend, she's just about sold everything network marketing available, right? And I just don't understand it
Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 1:43


All I feel like is I should have a GIF right now that says that part, all of what you said, because it's not just about the sales and business type of stuff. It's also about affairs, you know, and parties and, you know, things of that nature. And it's just like, yeah, you get bombarded. I mean, personally, I'm also a person
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:40


Like, did somebody else not invite you to something? Or whatever. But you're right. There's a huge expectation, like, well, we're really good friends. Why would you not want to go to my kids gymnastics meet? I don't know. Because I have something better that I want to do with my Saturday, even if that just means I want to make myself a nice breakfast and sit and chill and read a book or whatever. Right
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:34


But I also just like, nobody can find me or the folks that have my number can find me, and that's my real circle. So I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. But, yeah, it gets to be too much. My family isn't so much on get togethers, but they are when they do have something. It's like such pressure to come by. Or my cousin recently had his 60th birthday in DC
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 5:00


Yeah. And so everyone talks about supporting each other, and I hate those posts. I'm not going to lie. Where people are like, it doesn't cost a dime to support your friends. You can share their posts, share their business. I'm not doing that. My personal social media page, and right now, it's mostly Facebook. It's not the white pages. I am not the Better Business Bureau
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:15
I mean, yes, I could give them away as gifts, but I'm not going to buy every book you produce. I have a friend on my page now. She's a book publisher, and she's always cranking out books. Okay, well, you're a mother, and a lot of your books are for other mothers, which is great. I'm not a mother, so I am not your audience
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:44
And it's just it's just a lot. And I think I love my kiddo to death, but it's like, sometimes you're like, holy whoa. When am I going to get a break? And my kiddo is the one who like, no, I want you to go with me and my mom. Not like, I want to go with so and so and his mom. It's like, I want them to come with us type thing
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:28


So I am very well okay with not making everybody on my timeline have to support me. And there's one Facebook friend I have who's a coach, and she's always running some sort of, I don't know, promotion and things like that. And then we'll follow up with the post of I'm done trying to help people, and I got it, but if you don't want it, okay, clearly people don't want it
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 3:16


The thing is that I always tried getting other people involved, try to motivate other people because I was always looking for more like a division of labor, always trying to create a big family with family and friends. But for whatever reason, no one in my circle, in the circle, outer circle, have that ambition to do anything other than what they're doing. That includes coworkers. I might can get people going, but it's like momentary motivation
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:10


No, I don't have to be the only person that you are purchasing these products from. I don't need to be the only person that you're buying books from. You don't need to buy every single book that I have. You don't need to take every single class that I have. No, if it's not for you, then don't do it. Don't do it. I'm not going to coerce anyone into supporting me
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:22


It was, like, crab stuffed salmon with, like, I think, yams. And I think he might have had rice or string bigger or something like that. It looked really good. I commented under the post, and he posted it, right? I didn't just, like, sneak and saw what he ate. He posted it. So then I said, that looks good. Where'd you get it from? Crickets? I've seen that kind of thing happen before