Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 4:00

Reswelling since idk how to reply to one comment from SeekingPlum's swell, "Do you change your mind?" Song: creative common, non-commercial use

article image placeholderSwell - Listen to Life
I don't know why people get a helping people's business about what they should and shouldn't do, especially the most loving supposedly whatever I won't get into it. Religion and politics. So good points say that and that's it and I'm replying and I don't know how to reply. I do not know what I do not know, but I will keep on trying until I can figure it out

https://app.swell.life/swellcast/Qdd3 https://youtu.be/__khgIzMyaM @Mtwadamela @SeekingPlumb


The app idiosyncrasies. @Brooke415

I mean, I could be wrong, but when someone follows you, they will be notified every single time that you create a swell, and every time that you reply to a swell, so they're passively getting notified of your interactions. But when you resell as well, I think it's kind of like, hey, check this out. I think you might be interested. It might be worth your time. At least that's where I'm at at the moment