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Story 📚Time 🕰️ Saturday 💫 🎶🍋

Purpose Driven


Story 📚Time 🕰️ Saturday 💫 🎶🍋

"Be Careful Where You Step."

Overcomers Swellcast


"Be Careful Where You Step."

A Piece Of Broken Glass

Angie Newell


A Piece Of Broken Glass

Proverbs 27:5-Open Rebuke is Better Than Secret Love

Tanya Coles


Proverbs 27:5-Open Rebuke is Better Than Secret Love

Birthday tribute to my 16 year old son!

Tiffany Jager


Birthday tribute to my 16 year old son!

He is risen! Jesus defeated death, Hell & the grave!

Tiffany Jager


He is risen! Jesus defeated death, Hell & the grave!

Transgender Day of Visibility 2024

Rooster Collins


Transgender Day of Visibility 2024

2. Jesus in Passover: Bread of Affliction

Tiffany Jager


2. Jesus in Passover: Bread of Affliction

Good Friday: It pleased the Father to pour out His wrath upon His Son!

Tiffany Jager


Good Friday: It pleased the Father to pour out His wrath upon His Son!

1. Jesus in Passover: Light of the World

Tiffany Jager


1. Jesus in Passover: Light of the World

Holy Week: What is the origin of Sunrise Service?

Tanya Coles


Holy Week: What is the origin of Sunrise Service?

Why my family & I have taken a strong stance against celebrating Easter

Tiffany Jager


Why my family & I have taken a strong stance against celebrating Easter

Purim~ NOTHING will thwart the plans of the Almighy!

Tiffany Jager


Purim~ NOTHING will thwart the plans of the Almighy!

Is Jesus sitting on the throne of your heart?

Tiffany Jager


Is Jesus sitting on the throne of your heart?

Hope…I Hope…

Evelyn Phipps


Hope…I Hope…

Anything that keeps you at the feet of Jesus IS a good thing!

Tiffany Jager


Anything that keeps you at the feet of Jesus IS a good thing!

Money: Is it all good and will it save you?

Jude D'Souza


Money: Is it all good and will it save you?

The true meaning of St. Patrick’s Day

Tiffany Jager


The true meaning of St. Patrick’s Day

Prayer: God doesn’t waste a single seed!

Tiffany Jager


Prayer: God doesn’t waste a single seed!

How did Jesus Faced Trials

Yudy O.


How did Jesus Faced Trials

What haunts me the most

Tiffany Jager


What haunts me the most

How God views YOU

Tiffany Jager


How God views YOU

The Teacher , Holy Spirit Part 2

Lui Lee


The Teacher , Holy Spirit Part 2

The Teacher , Holy Spirit Part 1

Lui Lee


The Teacher , Holy Spirit Part 1