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Dad Night

Rooster Collins


Dad Night

"एक सवाल" - One Question? Episode 2 -> Does Poverty Breeds Ignorance or Ignorance is now a virtue of our society?

Adarsh Rai


"एक सवाल" - One Question? Episode 2 -> Does Poverty Breeds Ignorance or Ignorance is now a virtue of our society?

Stop Putting The Burden Of Failed Marriages On Women!

Pragati Chopra


Stop Putting The Burden Of Failed Marriages On Women!

Infidelity in relationships nowdays!

Pragati Chopra


Infidelity in relationships nowdays!

Are you putting up a Wall or Boundary ??

Pragati Chopra


Are you putting up a Wall or Boundary ??

Threads: Will Twitter Survive the App Threads?

Anisah Khan


Threads: Will Twitter Survive the App Threads?

Seeking ‘Validation’, Chasing likes on social media !

Pragati Chopra


Seeking ‘Validation’, Chasing likes on social media !

Solitude vs loneliness

Pragati Chopra


Solitude vs loneliness

#DebateThis Should We Ban Processed Foods?

Dewuan .


#DebateThis Should We Ban Processed Foods?

#Debatethis  Casual Hookup culture - toxic or not !

Pragati Chopra


#Debatethis Casual Hookup culture - toxic or not !

#DebateThis can you suppurt the lgbtq/trans community and still not want your child being exposed to such at a young age?

Mary Shokralla


#DebateThis can you suppurt the lgbtq/trans community and still not want your child being exposed to such at a young age?

Why women are not safe

Meenu Babbar


Why women are not safe

#DebateThis: Astrology

Chelsea Hanawalt


#DebateThis: Astrology

In your opinion…

Adam Lawrence


In your opinion…

Is it selfish to be childfree? #DebateThis #swellsunday #swell #AskSwell #parenting #childfree #relationship #indiansociety

Riddhi Miistry


Question to ask in ur next flight! Money cant buy u class #Debatethis #swellsunday #etiquette #parenting #public #swell #storytime #cabincrew #flights

Riddhi Miistry


Question to ask in ur next flight! Money cant buy u class #Debatethis #swellsunday #etiquette #parenting #public #swell #storytime #cabincrew #flights


Moe Johnson



Is Entrepreneurship A Necessary Life Skill..???

Kurt Best


Is Entrepreneurship A Necessary Life Skill..???

How do you deal with toxic parents? #indianhousehold #Debatethis #swellsunday #wellbeing #parenting #relationshipadvice #mumbai #mentalhealth

Riddhi Miistry


#DebateThis | Sex Education in Schools Needs An Overhaul

Deborah Pardes


#DebateThis | Sex Education in Schools Needs An Overhaul

Learning languages destroys your sense of self and replaces it with something more universal

Binati Sheth


Learning languages destroys your sense of self and replaces it with something more universal

#DebateThis - Should the use of surveillance cameras in public places be increased?

Taylor J


#DebateThis - Should the use of surveillance cameras in public places be increased?

To Catch A Narcissist: Social Media Addition #DebateThis

Renee 🪬


To Catch A Narcissist: Social Media Addition #DebateThis

#DebateThis - Is Mankind Destined For Interstellar Travel?

Nidhin George 🔷


#DebateThis - Is Mankind Destined For Interstellar Travel?