Search Results

Thought of the day - Learn from mistakes

Hemesh Sheth


Thought of the day - Learn from mistakes

Changing Your Voice

Alice F


Changing Your Voice

Be at present

Nishtha Saxena


Be at present

Karma serves everyone equally

Nishtha Saxena


Karma serves everyone equally

Tip to be happy 💛

Nishtha Saxena


Tip to be happy 💛

Is it "persecution" or self-infliction?

Christina AuDHD 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇲 🇨🇦


Is it "persecution" or self-infliction?

Listen to it twice

Nishtha Saxena


Listen to it twice

I Am Sorry!

Nishtha Saxena


I Am Sorry!

Wasted time is worst than wasted money

Nishtha Saxena


Wasted time is worst than wasted money

Let the child within live

Meher D


Let the child within live

Why can’t we as men and women get along and coexist together as one

Loranda Hellen-Thomas


Why can’t we as men and women get along and coexist together as one

You are what you think

Vaishnavi gupta


You are what you think