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Getting Invitations to Marriage Events: Not Sure How I Feel About This

Tanya Coles


Getting Invitations to Marriage Events: Not Sure How I Feel About This

Why Don’t "Passport Bros" Go To Europe to Find Love?

Tanya Coles


Why Don’t "Passport Bros" Go To Europe to Find Love?

Christian Men Offer Their Faith….but what else?

Tanya Coles


Christian Men Offer Their Faith….but what else?

The "Black Girlfriend/Black Wife Effect"

Tanya Coles


The "Black Girlfriend/Black Wife Effect"

FB Post: A Man Shouldn’t Work 40+ hours and come home to spaghetti 😳

Tanya Coles


FB Post: A Man Shouldn’t Work 40+ hours and come home to spaghetti 😳

Heart attacks are different for women than for men. Let’s talk about the differences.

Evelyn Phipps


Heart attacks are different for women than for men. Let’s talk about the differences.

Trying to figure out Why do men dp that?

Lane Bodie


Trying to figure out Why do men dp that?

Bear or man in the woods debate.

The Snag


Bear or man in the woods debate.

The Truth About Singleness, Pt. 15: Married folks, just love the one you’re with.

Tanya Coles


The Truth About Singleness, Pt. 15: Married folks, just love the one you’re with.





Woman Asks: For Men Who Don’t Cheat, What is Your Secret?

Tanya Coles


Woman Asks: For Men Who Don’t Cheat, What is Your Secret?

Folks who have been married for decades aren’t the best to give dating advice

Angela Kaye


Folks who have been married for decades aren’t the best to give dating advice

Why Are WOMEN Promoting THIS?!😬YOUNG Ladies, IGNORE the INTERNET For a While, PLEASE

Erica Jean


Why Are WOMEN Promoting THIS?!😬YOUNG Ladies, IGNORE the INTERNET For a While, PLEASE

This Soft Guy Era 🙄#drizzledrizzle

Tanya Coles


This Soft Guy Era 🙄 #drizzledrizzle

50% of Married Men Are Not With the WOMEN They Want🤦🏾‍♀️

Erica Jean


50% of Married Men Are Not With the WOMEN They Want🤦🏾‍♀️

Proverbs 27:5-Open Rebuke is Better Than Secret Love

Tanya Coles


Proverbs 27:5-Open Rebuke is Better Than Secret Love

The Truth About Singleness Pt. 14: Is it Flirting Or Harassment?

Tanya Coles


The Truth About Singleness Pt. 14: Is it Flirting Or Harassment?

Twitter Chronicles: Man ghosts woman after he sees the amount of trash in her car

Tanya Coles


Twitter Chronicles: Man ghosts woman after he sees the amount of trash in her car

THE 1 Millionth REASON Why Listening to Janky Podcasters is a NO NO🤦🏾‍♀️

Erica Jean


THE 1 Millionth REASON Why Listening to Janky Podcasters is a NO NO🤦🏾‍♀️

Decentering Men: An Online Movement

Tanya Coles


Decentering Men: An Online Movement

Blaming bad behavior and choices on "being young"

Tanya Coles


Blaming bad behavior and choices on "being young"

Woman goes against her norm and dates a man with kids. Then it gets weird….

Tanya Coles


Woman goes against her norm and dates a man with kids. Then it gets weird….

Should There Be An End to No-Fault Divorce?

Tanya Coles


Should There Be An End to No-Fault Divorce?

Ladies, we may be have to be our own protectors

Tanya Coles


Ladies, we may be have to be our own protectors