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Sherri Mays



"Singularity" - Poem 2/8/24

From Silence


"Singularity" - Poem 2/8/24

Dentist does 4 Root Canals, 4 Crowns and 20 fillings in one visit

bob dennis


Dentist does 4 Root Canals, 4 Crowns and 20 fillings in one visit

Stanley Hotel

Andy Simmons


Stanley Hotel

Jumping Spider in woman’s ear

bob dennis


Jumping Spider in woman’s ear

Upside down 75 feet up the nightnare tide

bob dennis


Upside down 75 feet up the nightnare tide

Seeing Ghosts during sleep

bob dennis


Seeing Ghosts during sleep

Film Review

Ritika Chakraborty


Film Review


Manya Sharma



a tangent about my childhood experience with nightmares

Isabella Croston


a tangent about my childhood experience with nightmares

Frankenstein 3×2

Harsh S


Frankenstein 3×2

Frankenstein 3×1

Harsh S


Frankenstein 3×1

Frankenstein  2×2

Harsh S


Frankenstein 2×2

Frankenstein  2×1

Harsh S


Frankenstein 2×1