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Adventuring India

Miles Timson


Adventuring India

Gupta Mahadev Mandir | Pachmarhi

Arushi Patkey


Gupta Mahadev Mandir | Pachmarhi

A weekend trip to pachmarhi !

Arushi Patkey


A weekend trip to pachmarhi !

Encounter with nature's bounty - Abbey Falls, Coorg

Aparna Balaji


Encounter with nature's bounty - Abbey Falls, Coorg

When Google maps turns your Goa plan into a Nightmare



When Google maps turns your Goa plan into a Nightmare

The paddy paradise

Gowtham Kandiyappan


The paddy paradise

Kaziranga - biodiversity at its best

Gowtham Kandiyappan


Kaziranga - biodiversity at its best

Bike ride to Mahabaleshwar🔥🔥

Gowtham Kandiyappan


Bike ride to Mahabaleshwar🔥🔥

Simple pleasures of life in a cup of tea!🌧️☕

Gowtham Kandiyappan


Simple pleasures of life in a cup of tea!🌧️☕

The state which grows tea on plains 😳

Gowtham Kandiyappan


The state which grows tea on plains 😳

Perumpallam dam

Gowtham Kandiyappan


Perumpallam dam

Pithrody beach

Gowtham Kandiyappan


Pithrody beach

Mumbai is more than just a city; it is a sentiment!


Mumbai is more than just a city; it is a sentiment!