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Keith Gittens-Jones



Expansive sound is a state of mind

Keith Gittens-Jones


Expansive sound is a state of mind

Breathe Breathe Breathe

Keith Gittens-Jones


Breathe Breathe Breathe

Poetry & Songwriting The Depths of Expansive Sound

Keith Gittens-Jones


Poetry & Songwriting The Depths of Expansive Sound

The evolution of a track: Skye Elevates

Keith Gittens-Jones


The evolution of a track: Skye Elevates

Petite WICKED MOOG Expansive Sound

Keith Gittens-Jones


Petite WICKED MOOG Expansive Sound

Trash Wave New Phantom Electric Ghost Album

Keith Gittens-Jones


Trash Wave New Phantom Electric Ghost Album

New Josephine Electric track and album

Keith Gittens-Jones


New Josephine Electric track and album

Listen 2 Da Morphagene Band

Keith Gittens-Jones


Listen 2 Da Morphagene Band

Symbiotic Parasitic Host Expansive Sound Lost Track

Keith Gittens-Jones


Symbiotic Parasitic Host Expansive Sound Lost Track

Akai Force arranger mode

Keith Gittens-Jones


Akai Force arranger mode

Moog Modular experience: DFAM, Mother 32, Grandmother

Keith Gittens-Jones


Moog Modular experience: DFAM, Mother 32, Grandmother

Synesthetic Rave Babies: new experimental album

Keith Gittens-Jones


Synesthetic Rave Babies: new experimental album

Synesthetic Rave Babies (Next Phase Grace)

Keith Gittens-Jones


Synesthetic Rave Babies (Next Phase Grace)

Funk Pop - New Phantom Electric Ghost single

Keith Gittens-Jones


Funk Pop - New Phantom Electric Ghost single

Modular synesthesia

Keith Gittens-Jones


Modular synesthesia

New Röyksopp single and a good excuse to check out their catalogue

Jessica McMillan


New Röyksopp single and a good excuse to check out their catalogue