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Traveling tips for Special Education Families

Leanne Pritchett


Traveling tips for Special Education Families

Jealousy: strategies to identify and help your special needs child cope.

Leanne Pritchett


Jealousy: strategies to identify and help your special needs child cope.

Check in/ Thank you for being you.

Leanne Pritchett


Check in/ Thank you for being you.

Understanding the Brain Body Connection

Leanne Pritchett


Understanding the Brain Body Connection

Accepting our uniqueness

Leanne Pritchett


Accepting our uniqueness

Accepting your child for who they are,  not who you want them to be.

Leanne Pritchett


Accepting your child for who they are, not who you want them to be.

Humor: why is this  concept so hard to grasp?

Leanne Pritchett


Humor: why is this concept so hard to grasp?

Stimming-what is it and why is it useful.

Leanne Pritchett


Stimming-what is it and why is it useful.

Making Sense of Comorbid Diagnoses

Leanne Pritchett


Making Sense of Comorbid Diagnoses

Neglecting Oneself

Shonda Walker


Neglecting Oneself

Romantic Relationship when having special needs child/children

Shonda Walker


Romantic Relationship when having special needs child/children

The importance of understanding Neuroplasticity

Leanne Pritchett


The importance of understanding Neuroplasticity

Learned Helplessness

Leanne Pritchett


Learned Helplessness

Assisting Special Needs Students and staff during Lock Down Drills

Leanne Pritchett


Assisting Special Needs Students and staff during Lock Down Drills

The Importance of teaching Sex Education to the Special Needs Population

Leanne Pritchett


The Importance of teaching Sex Education to the Special Needs Population

Spotlight on Service Animals ❤️🙏🐈🐕

Leanne Pritchett


Spotlight on Service Animals ❤️🙏🐈🐕

Vision and your Brain: A brief synopsis

Leanne Pritchett


Vision and your Brain: A brief synopsis

New Year’s Resolutions: Attainable?

Leanne Pritchett


New Year’s Resolutions: Attainable?

Not celebrating Christmas: Is it ok?

Leanne Pritchett


Not celebrating Christmas: Is it ok?

Gifts from the heart. ❤️

Leanne Pritchett


Gifts from the heart. ❤️

What ALL children can teach us .

Leanne Pritchett


What ALL children can teach us .

Sensory Overload Defined and a few helpful management tools/tips.

Leanne Pritchett


Sensory Overload Defined and a few helpful management tools/tips.

Paraeducators/ Paraprofessionals-the unsung heroes of the education team 🙏❤️.

Leanne Pritchett


Paraeducators/ Paraprofessionals-the unsung heroes of the education team 🙏❤️.

Happy Thanksgiving/The best of Ms.Leanne part 2

Leanne Pritchett


Happy Thanksgiving/The best of Ms.Leanne part 2